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  1. nmwhitneyjr

    New BI User, call me Overwhelmed

    So the title is a bit dramatic, I admit. However, I've downloaded and started reading the BI manual and spot read a few threads here on the forum. I'm starting to feel like BI is extreme overkill. But damn if the other options out there don't seem even more complicated to setup and run. Is...
  2. nmwhitneyjr

    Camera location/type query

    Greetings all, I'm curious as to what locations you would place cameras on my house (pic below). I plan on starting out with 4 or 5 cameras. I'm keen on the idea of using wide view spotter cams in conjunction with a PTZ (but I'm not married to the idea if it's not the best use of $). The...
  3. nmwhitneyjr

    Greetings from N.C.

    Good morning all, Joined up here as it's become obvious that I need to get out of the wifi/Ring ecosystem. I work with juvenile delinquents and I've had several cases within the last 3 months where these kids have managed to get their hands on wifi jammers then start breaking into homes/cars...