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  1. R

    Server PC Windows 10 update yesterday broke server connection

    I just did a routine Windows update last night and my BI server is not visible to other devices either wired or wifi on the LAN or remotely on cell connection. I ran the server PC task manager and the BI service is indeed running properly. Then I started BI5 admin and everything looked good...
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    Browsers won't connect to my BI UI3 ip address while I am home

    M2 MacBook Air... After recent OS and browser updates I am unable to view my BI UI3 on Chrome or Edge only while at home when I am connected to my local network. Both return the error that the ip address is unreachable. I have zero problem when mobile connected to the Internet via someone...
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    Is there a way to have ONLY IVS detection, not general full frame motion detection?

    I don't have the exact model # at hand but it is a 3MP turret Dahua from 2020 that I got from EmpireTech. The cam works great but I have struggled over the years with this challenging scene. Daytime there are high contrast shadows that migrate across the deck depending on sun angle. Critters...
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    Cam AI & BI motion detection selection and interaction

    So, I am still having some trouble with one of my outdoor scenes, waving tree shadows and lights coming on and off in the windows throwing some false detects. I haven't yet had time to go back and try CPAI... one of these days. My questions: 1. If I want to use the camera AI via BI I would...
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    Transferring BI to a new PC - deactivate old installation first?

    I have some new hardware coming to update my old overburdened PC and will need to move my BI over to it. Do I have to deactivate the old installation first? I have all my license keys and such.
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    BI object detection

    So, while CPAI is sort of in limbo I have been getting my BI installation back in working order just using the native BI tools. In the past I haven't had great luck with the challenging scenes presented by my two outdoor cams even using zones, rules and object detection. The front cam did OK...
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    Long time BI user, many new problems

    I have had an issue connecting to UI3 with Edge browser on one computer. So, I go into the server to see what I can find and to change the ip address to a different one. Nope, no can do. I can't edit the server ip address field?? Then I go to add my new iPhone 16 to mobile devices. Nope...
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    iPhone app just stopped working

    Like the subject says. No changes to my BI server system or phone and the BI app just will not connect. The connection doesn't "fail" either. Just get the spinning wheel of death. My BI server is behind a router based VPN and I can connect remotely from my MacBook Air vis UI3. But not the...
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    Viofo 229 reboots when vehicle does auto restarts at traffic lights

    First, I have used Viofos for several years and like them a lot. I just got a new Toyota Tundra and a Viofo A229 duo and it works just as well as the Viofos I have had in the past. The new truck also has that auto shutdown/restart feature that we have all come to know and hate. Problem is just...
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    How best to clean inside dome and lens

    I didn't really know which forum this should go in, but here is my question. What is the best way to clean the lens and inside of a dome? I have an older HIK Vision that was fogging up at night so I opened it up, replaced the desiccant bad and wiped down the dome. But now while it isn't...
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    Comcast blocking OpenVPN at least with Apple devices

    I know this has been discussed here before but wondering if there might be a new solution. I have Open VPN and BI running on a Windows server at home with Xfinity service and Linksys router. I really need to access my VPN from a friend's house, also with Xfinity service. They also have a...
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    Upgrading from 4, Can't get BI 5 to run at all

    Long time BI user from back in the 1.0 and 2.0 days... Currently running BI 4 as a service. Firstly, I am logged into Windows 10 as admin, the sole account on this machine. Not a local account but also signed into Microsoft. I have backed up my BI 4 settings and so far, have not uninstalled...
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    More dash cam action - likely distracted driver... or asleep at the wheel?

    This just happened about an hour ago. I was merging on Rte 15 south from Rte 26 in Frederick MD and this Acura SUV just lost control, went off the road, took out a road sign and then nosed into the guardrail in the median. Totally on his own, unencumbered and unmolested by traffic. Pretty...
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    Lorex NVR or similar with Hughsnet

    We have a remote property that I need to set up a small NVR system for. I have tried a few stand alone ip cams and while they will send alerts they can not be viewed live or accessed remotely for admin on Hughes. Which makes it a royal pain to dial in motion detection. Thinking about a small...
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    Near head on collision

    Finishing a 1000 mile road trip on a country road about 10 miles from home... this distracted clown was pretty much fully in my lane at one point having his right side tires on the centerline. I almost had to bail into the farm field on the right. This is why we have dash cams.
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    BlueIris iPhone app not connecting via VPN

    This is really not a BlueIris issue, probably more of an iPhone issue and/or VPN issue, but I am wondering if anyone here might have gone through this and have an easy solution. I have OpenVPN set up on my router and have been remotely accessing BlueIris via my laptop and iPhone for a long...
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    No pre- and post- event pictures?

    I have had a few interesting alerts lately on my 5442 ZE. I have it set up for human detection and to send a photo via e-mail. A couple times the photo had no evidence of a human or anything else out of the usual. Being curious I reviewed the video only to see they were NOT false alerts, just...
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    best way to get important notifications

    So I am really liking the Dahua AI human detection enough that I want to make it the primary alert. I have the SMTP set up and that works fine, but I have my iPhone on do not disturb at night. The iPhone allows one to whitelist callers to let VIP calls bypass the do not disturb but...
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    another Dahua AI question

    I am really liking the AI human detect performance on the rear deck Dahua so far... so I was wondering how it would perform in totally opposite type of scene that I have up front. Situation is a townhouse with the cam mounted in the upper corner of the garage opening facing a street... not a...
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    Dahua IVS working great so far

    First day and night with the IVS engaged on the IPC-T5442T-ZE on my lower rear deck and it is impressive. I have it set for human detection and made a couple tripwires. During the day it had 2 detects of "humans"... one being a large dog... outside the tripwires (I need to revisit all my...
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    Webserver not working on rebuild

    I am deploying a new router (TP-Link A20 tri-band) and rebuilding my BI setup (still on v.4) and everything is back, except the webserver just doesn't work. The main BI server that I have running as a service works fine... the native BI software on the host PC works fine... UI3 in a browser on...
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    Trouble setting up Dahua smtp server

    Just making some tripwires and wanting e-mail alerts but the Dahua e-mail setup will not accept either my gmail nor xfinity settings... says "sender format error"?? Same exact information I use everywhere else, including in the Blue Iris e-mail server. What am I missing?
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    Getting a 5442

    I ordered one of these from Empire, coming today. I probably won't have time to set it up right away, but may connect it up tabeltop next week for testing and a look at basic configuration first. I am not like you guys, this isn't my primary... or even secondary... hobby so I don't want to...
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    Hummingbird action

    I shot this video a couple years ago, just put an extra Foscam I have laying around out next to the feeder. I need to do this again with one of my newer cams when the hummers arrive in the next couple of weeks. HummingBird - YouTube
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    Anyone here have the Amcrest floodlight cam?

    I am thinking of adding one of these, not as a main cam but it is right next to my most vulnerable point of entry door where it could be useful as cam and as a deterrent. How does it work for you? One curious thing in the product info says that the wifi camera needs to be connected to power to...
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    Local criminal action

    Used to be all we ever saw back here was raccoons, cats and squirrels, now this. Some sort of B&E crew working our neighborhood looking for open back doors. Pretty scary considering most folks were home so any B&E would turn into a home invasion. Police report filed. Unfortunately I had my...
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    Outdoor POE cam for satellite internet service

    We have a remote property that has satellite ISP. I installed a couple of typical generic network cams once upon a time, Foscam and an AcTi and they worked to send alerts and such but I could not reach them to view them live or to administer them via the satellite. I currently have a Reolink...
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    Best way to upgrade

    I am a long time BI user at least since v2 and want to upgrade my current v4 install to v5. I don't mess with this very often so don't recall the best way to do an upgrade whilst retaining settings and profiles. I will make sure to make a backup of the config file, of course. But then is it a...
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    Schedule and profile configuration

    I am trying to set up schedules and/or profiles to manage my simple setup to work with the geofence. Basically I have 2 groups of cams, Interior and Exterior. I want the all the Interior cams to stream 24/7 but I want the motion triggers to be inactive when any mobile device is "inside" the...
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    Need help with error message

    I am reconstructing my entire BI setup after a HDD crash and it is mostly back to normal, but I am seeing some sort of disk error... this appears on the mobile app and the admin console. Basically I have BI set up to record my cams continuously to the 6 TB drive E: drive, on the same PC...