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  1. lulu5kamz


    Someone appearing to take selfies in the street, possibly for some type of social media post.
  2. lulu5kamz

    Raccoon Mating Season

    Towards the end of the video, a 3rd raccoon shows up and appears to interrupt the busy couple.
  3. lulu5kamz

    Down Line Between Power Poles

    A line came down in our yard last night, along with a shower of sparks. Power flickered briefly but stayed on. The line broke right above our yard. It was a support line for the primary.
  4. lulu5kamz

    Deer Licks Cat's Spot

    A cat is sitting on a wood platform. A deer goes over to where the cat was and proceeds to lick all around that same area.
  5. lulu5kamz

    Park It There

    I believe this was some type of shift change, as the 2 drivers were exchanging vehicles.
  6. lulu5kamz

    Santa's Car

    I wonder if Santa Claus occasionally drives a car.
  7. lulu5kamz

    Car Parked on the Corner

    The person behind the wheel appears to be smoking an unknown object. Only the very top of the item is visible. At the 36 second mark the same person stares directly at the camera. A couple of days later the car broke down on the corner. That video starts just after the 1 minute mark. The car is...
  8. lulu5kamz


    Notice the lettering on the back of this roofing business company car.
  9. lulu5kamz

    Resting on the Corner

    Time for a few pics too.
  10. lulu5kamz

    There It Is!

    I believe this driver was looking for something.
  11. lulu5kamz

    How to Keep the Homeless Out of a Carport

    Saw this today in the news, looks promising...
  12. lulu5kamz

    Stop the Car!

    A passenger needs some air.
  13. lulu5kamz


    This person appeared to be multitasking.
  14. lulu5kamz

    Large Bird Wingspan

    A vulture shows it's wingspan directly in front of a portable solar panel that was on the deck. While I don't know the wingspan of the vulture, the solar panel is over 7 feet wide and about 2 feet high.
  15. lulu5kamz

    The Fox and an Opossum Fatality

    A small opossum was climbing on a platform when a fox happened to be walking down the stairs. Later a cat came by to look at the remains.
  16. lulu5kamz

    Fox & Opossum Share Food

    The fox appears to have an injury to it's left eye.
  17. lulu5kamz

    Nice Day for a Walk

    Audio is muted as the guy is talking on the phone and the female gives out a phone number at the 1 minute 7 second mark. The audio you do hear is from a camera at the back of the house.
  18. lulu5kamz

    Scooter Crash

    The rider lost his glasses during the fall. You can see him pick up the glasses at the 58 second mark of the video.
  19. lulu5kamz

    Go-Kart Troubles After Midnight

    A Go-Kart broke down across the street, so they decided to tie the 2 vehicles together with an extension cord and then coast down the hill.
  20. lulu5kamz

    3 Wheeled Vehicle

    This is a Polaris Slingshot vehicle.
  21. lulu5kamz

    Why Did the Limping Turkey Cross the Road?

    Will this turkey with a bad leg make it to the other side?
  22. lulu5kamz

    Doe Mounts Buck

    I don't think the buck expected that.
  23. lulu5kamz

    Cat Fox and Deer

    A fox appears to want to play with a cat but the cat is not happy. A deer sees the commotion and chases away the fox. The deer was a doe with 2 small fawns nearby and did not want the fox hanging around. The fawns can be seen at the end of the video.
  24. lulu5kamz

    SUV Crashes Thru 2 Front Yards Going Backwards

    After the crash, the driver repeatedly tries to drive away. Residents of the 2nd house had to place objects behind the rear tires to keep the SUV in place. Driver finally exits the SUV at the 4 minute and 50 second mark. It took 40 minutes for the police to show up.
  25. lulu5kamz

    Distracted Driver

    A vehicle stops briefly in the street as the passenger may have been distracting the driver.
  26. lulu5kamz

    My 36 Inch King Dick Wrecks Locks

    From the Lock Picking Lawyer:
  27. lulu5kamz

    Back Seat Workout 2

    The driver gets in a power lift at the 1:15 minute mark of the video.
  28. lulu5kamz

    Fox Versus Chicken

    The chicken survived but injured it's foot at some point. Blood spots were found on the porch.
  29. lulu5kamz

    Hold On Tight

    Just out for a Sunday drive.
  30. lulu5kamz

    Power Pole Transformer Installation

    Video runs at 4x speed.