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  1. S

    No channel list and encode config is empty I did it and found and installed the dump rom for this dvr. But I have another problem. No channel list and MainMenu> System> Encode inside is empty. I chose channel mode from the...
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    Unknown command run & higmac init fail! ping failed; host is not alive

    @alastairstevenson As I understand it, the network and usb interfaces are loaded after autoload. Since I stopped autoload by pressing a button, these interfaces are not loaded and not working. I couldn't find sample commands to launch them. I threw the files into USB. But I do not know how to...
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    Unknown command run & higmac init fail! ping failed; host is not alive

    Hi, @alastairstevenson Thank you for the answer. I did not know the information about the run command. The device is on my network. TFTP server computer and motherboard are connected to this modem. But the lights on the motherboard are not on. The list that comes with the help...
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    Unknown command run & higmac init fail! ping failed; host is not alive

    Hi, AHB70XXT16 - I'm trying to throw software on Hisilicon 3521A motherboard. I connected the device to my computer with CP2102 usb to uart. I stopped the boot by pressing a button and spell the following commands. I created one tftp server. However, the run command does not work. Ping test...