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  1. Joe Lastname

    360eyes Accfly IP camera chooses night vision too early.

    Observing that this camera is sometimes struggling to focus through the mesh. (It focuses on the mesh then what's behind, then back to the mesh) I suspect now that this may be a factor in it switching to night vision too early. It's only a temporary operation, so I guess I'll just put up with...
  2. Joe Lastname

    360eyes Accfly IP camera chooses night vision too early.

    It wasn't expensive and there's no option to adjust the sensitivity. I'm going to try switching on a small bulb in front of it later today. Actually Christmas lights :lmao: I'll experiment with the exact position. Unfortunately I think the sensor is in the camera and I don't want to put a bulb...
  3. Joe Lastname

    360eyes Accfly IP camera chooses night vision too early.

    As in the title we find that the camera switches to night vision too early. The colour image is perfectly reasonable at the time. The camera is located in a shed with light coming in through a door from right front and from back left. Do I need a better camera? I don't see any settings to...