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  1. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Version 3.0.1 has now (finally) been released. There is a separate post here concerning it. I don't know if anyone is actively using Version 2.x. If you are I strongly suggest move to Version 3. Note that the the Version 2 setup files are not compatible. However, I think that the new...
  2. K

    On Guard Version 3.0 Release

    On Guard Version 3.0 works with almost any IP/network camera and adds artificial intelligence designed to identify security related pictures. More specifically, it uses DeepStack as an AI to intelligently identify objects in still (.jpg) pictures. It allows the user to monitor as many cameras as...
  3. K

    Control Reolink RLC-423 with API

    The Reolink 423 PTZ can be controlled via OnVIF. Unfortunately, the OnVIF implementation provided by Blue Iris does not seem to work. However, I have gotten PTZ/Presets it to work via a program I've written. So, tell Blue Iris is can be done and they aren't doing it. If you are paying Blue...
  4. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Sorry for the delay in a response. I've been working on other things for quite a while now. I haven't noticed this particular problem. However, I guess I can see how it might happen. The log file gets written/closed after every write. I haven't noticed it myself, but this could definitely...
  5. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Right now there are 2 log file settings, detailed, and not. I've tried to balance things so that the detailed gives you enough detail to track down problems and the non-detailed to generally tell you what is going on when detecting objects and serious errors. I could try adding some finer...
  6. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I've been looking at the BI DeepStack integration. So far I haven't had a problem. Even with BI using DeepStack I still think that On Guard offers things that BI doesn't (and in reverse). We'll see. Maybe projects like On Guard will become less relevant over time.
  7. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Try quitting and restarting. If that doesn't work then probably one or more of your cameras has in invalid directory. If all cameras appear to be using a valid directory, then I'm not sure what the specific problem is. I've never seen it, but here is a description of the errors that can be...
  8. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Another feature I'm considering: Say you have a security camera that can take pictures with a resolution ranging from 640x480 to 2560x1920. If you have Blue Iris taking pictures at 2560x1920 these pictures (1) take up a lot of disk space (2) take up Blue Iris processing power (on my machine...
  9. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    At this point I'm assuming that no news is good news. So, if anyone has any new features they'd like included in the next release let me know. My tentative plans include supporting cameras that use ONVIF for pan/tilt/zoom . ONVIF is the closest thing to a standard available for network...
  10. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I have released version 2.0.3. The primary change in this release is that there are user configurable limits on the size of picture attachments on a per email recipient basis. I've personally had several issues running into the Comcast 25MB attachment size limit and my MMS limit of 3.5MB...
  11. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Version 2.0.1 has been released on Github as an official (not pre-release) version. This version automatically fixes a Version 2.0.0 issue where the database/SQL connection string for older versions was not compatible with the newer Microsoft software used by version 2.0.x. There is also a new...
  12. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    The pre-release on GitHub has been updated. The Snapshot/Video problem should be fixed.
  13. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Well, it looks like Linux, etc. will be much more difficult than I thought. That will be on hold for the foreseeable future. Originally it looked like it would be a more-or-less free feature.
  14. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    The problem with the Snapshot or Continuous Video is one I can't replicate, but I guess I can kind of/sort of see how it could have happened. I will update the executable shortly.
  15. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    The SQL support in the new tools no longer support "async" options in the database connection string/settings. You will need to go to Application Settings and press the Use Default Settings button under SQL Connection String. Alternatively, if you have a custom SQL setup you will need to...
  16. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Android -- because it can be done (I think) more than anything. While I wouldn't want to run it on Android full time, it might be nice to be able to use it to fix something that has gone wrong. It would be more useful on a tablet than a phone, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.
  17. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I have been working on Version 2.0. While it offers a few new features, mostly things have changed in the technology used. The reason for this change is that it offers more long term flexibility and enhances development features. Incidentally, it also adds support for use in Linux, and...
  18. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    If you use "localhost" for the AI when one instance dies they all will. When you use an explicit IP Address fail-over should work as long as DeepStack isn't completely buggered. The 1.8.1+ releases all suggest that. However, if I recall correctly you weren't able to use localhost anyway...
  19. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    There is a new release version at: Release On Guard Security Assistant Version · Ken98045/On-Guard This is the formal release of version 1.8. It contains multiple bug fixes and a few new features. It should be much more stable than the 1.7.x releases.
  20. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I think that I have identified and fixed part of the problem where it stops identifying objects. I was finally able to re-create that here. It is related to a failure in the Microsoft engine that watches the directory for new picture files. Version (not a release, but I'm working on...
  21. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I'm having trouble getting Blue Iris to recognize incoming cars on my (long) driveway coming straight toward the camera. It will get them, but not until they are about 100++ pixels high. I've yet to come up with settings that will work for that.
  22. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Yes. I looked at it briefly and it doesn't seem too bad, but you are the first to ask so it isn't a super high priority. Right now I have some higher priority items to work on. Right now that means making a release of, and making sure it is stable. The next release (2.0.0) is also...
  23. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Sorry I'm late getting back to you. I did try the latest ( which is not yet a release) appears to work with both. Right now I'm trying to catch up with messages and get released plus working on 2.0.
  24. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Sorry, I've been offline for a few days. I did want to let everyone using 1.8.x that I have posted This is not a release yet (probably late today). This change increases the buffer space (memory allocated) for the Windows functionality that monitors file directory changes (new...
  25. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    It is time for testing of a new Beta version. To get this test version go to: Ken98045/On-Guard. Download the "Code" zip file, and install it from src\installer. There are quite few changes here some of them are visible, some not. Here is a partial list of the changes: 1. If you have...
  26. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I'll keep looking at this. I may need to see it here to fix it. Maybe I can spot the problem in code, but that is much more difficult than actually being able to replicate the problem.
  27. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I have only had mine determine that a dog is a person on a very rare basis. It might depend on your dog.
  28. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I use Jennov Wireless WiFi Security Camera IP PTZ. They area reasonably cheap, excellent resolution, excellent nighttime sensitivity. I could wish that they had much better optics however, I think that height wise lower is better, but I think 8 to 12 feet is good. I like the clarity of these...
  29. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Yes. They are pretty bad. Sometimes dog=dog, dog=cat, deer=dog, sometimes multiple definitions overlapping. In general I think that the models need to be update for animals, particularly one is needed for "deer", and "elk" in my area. Sometimes a pretty low confidence rathing.