Search results

  1. c hris527

    Consumer based wireless mesh systems

    The upload is about what I expect, the download should be more in the 300 range..however Its a LOT faster than my older Asus Router/AP that was getting me about 150 and 15
  2. c hris527

    Consumer based wireless mesh systems

    So Im testing this-->Asus ZENWIFI XD4plus AX1800 I have no back-haul cables yet, So far so good, kinda strange, seems certain devices like the one furthest away from the one in the room..go figure, The Roku's initially crashed with the 2.4 and could not even see the 2.4 after. Next day, they...
  3. c hris527

    Consumer based wireless mesh systems

    I took a look at a few, The Asus systems are all set for back haul with a extra Lan connection on the nodes. Not sure about dedicated wireless channel, good point on that one, will have to check.
  4. c hris527

    Consumer based wireless mesh systems

    Nice reply...Thanks Glad you did not have any nightmare scenario's .. That being said, A lot of the older houses that were built like brick shit houses have really solid walls and seem to have the most issues. I have talked to builders..a few of them and they still have no plans of pre wiring...
  5. c hris527

    Consumer based wireless mesh systems

    Hey all, Bringing this up because as home systems are ditching the either-net cables, the wireless demands are rising. Just over a year ago I helped a local Museum with a dead wireless issue. Their Spectrum gear was in the basement and not cutting it anymore. They ended up buying a Netgear...
  6. c hris527

    I don’t want to connect my coffee machine to the wifi network.

    He Forgot one.. I don't want to use the MacDonald app at the drive thru..or use their kiosk to place my order inside. I can't even get a fu&*ing haircut without my phone buzzing 10 mins later wanting me to rate them.
  7. c hris527

    Drone swarms in the northeast?

    This is a wild story. I do not believe for one second that they do not know what these are for the good or bad. It might be serving a few purposes at once, Subterfuge, Lookie Lookie over here, keeping the news cycles pointed at them. Either way, not saying or admitting what going on is not good...
  8. c hris527

    I have a camera under attack. How are they doing this?

    Just a quick check of how many different sellers of these cams. Nothing would stop me from buying a lot of these and reworking the firmware and reselling 100 of them, most likely 90 of them would go unnoticed, That goes for all used IT equipment you find on Ebay, Tons of Vulnerable EOL Cisco and...
  9. c hris527

    Arjun, where are ya?

    My Gosh...How could you NOT o_O
  10. c hris527

    NewsBreak App Do You use it ?

    Anybody use this app? I friend of mine sent me a local story with a link through text messaging. It wanted me to install the Newsbreak app on my android. I'm pretty app-less on my phone and always suspect of any app. A bit of research on it, Turns out that one of its major owners is a Chinese...
  11. c hris527

    How to run cat 5e outdoor rated cable along a fence?

    I would go with PVC if you have critters, In my case I really liked doing that run twice in 3 years.
  12. c hris527

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    WOW, If she had a knife, Brett would have been castrated or his eyes stabbed out. VERY smug and still would not give answers.
  13. c hris527

    Israel attacked by Hamas...

    This whole thing is something out of a James Bond Movie, Imagine all the members getting new technology and having it malfunction and explode, I saw flames on one of the videos. They just took out I bet half their fighting force and killed their ways to communicate with one push of a computer...
  14. c hris527

    Do you think this is a sketchy?

    I'm pretty much done with it, The Agency I contract for does not care at this point either( we all know Gov agency's) I have a friend who works at a rather large engineering University locally and their Cyber security lab is awesome, he said he will run it through when I see him again. At this...
  15. c hris527

    Do you think this is a sketchy?

    So I was able to get my hands on it, gave it a look on the sandbox, No files looks clean except 256k of used something(I think that's to be expected) did not see any hidden files, no change to anything. However Won't be using it for anything.
  16. c hris527

    Do you think this is a sketchy?

    Yup, This is how they do it. If it has a payload, I have some options with the seller, Amazon and higher Authorities. :D
  17. c hris527

    Do you think this is a sketchy?

    I knew If i got this info out here somebody would know or have knowledge of something Similar, yes they ordered a laptop. I have a special VM machine i will test it on when I get my hands on it, should be later in the week. They knew it was going to a Government Entity also.
  18. c hris527

    Do you think this is a sketchy?

    A Customer of mine, Actually a Government entity informed me of a Amazon Delivery they received last week, After unboxing the items they looked at the bottom of the box and saw a extra item, it at first it looked like a credit card or business card. After they looked at it, turns out its a card...
  19. c hris527

    Ughhh... Gonna be a wet weekend

    Glad I went to Fla last week, Stayed a few nights @ Trumps Sunny Isle resort, then went to the hard rock Guitar Hotel..was a blast..Beaches there are awsome.
  20. c hris527

    3 Wheeled Vehicle

    Boy Is that true, A friend of mine and his buddy were both killed driving one of these, playing with its limits on curvy roads, He had just picked it up that day. OUCH!
  21. c hris527

    FedEx Trucks Will Be Spying On You For the Police : Steve Lehto

    Your phone you have attached to your ass 24/7 is the biggest spy tool ever, you cant live without it, you will turn around and drive 1 hour out of your way if you forget it. And if you loose it, you are pissed off and worried and depressed. And you Don't mind paying for it monthly. Talk about a...
  22. c hris527

    Hole for one - 4 . . .

    Watching one of your worst nightmares happen in real time..YIKES :eek:
  23. c hris527

    NVR5232-EL crash during playback

    Did you wipe it out yet? At this point Something is definitely wrong with your little zeros and ones written into ram when it starts, be it corrupted firmware or possibility a bad ram chip or your current config is making your NVR complain at times. You can backup your current configuration to a...
  24. c hris527

    NVR5232-EL crash during playback

    I would say this pretty much sums it up, I think defaulting back and testing perhaps like a few cams is the way to go, you are correct about Hard drive, I have seen hard drives and or flakey cams settings mess things up and there are lots of examples that people have had here, When I had those...
  25. c hris527

    NVR5232-EL crash during playback

    If you wanted to rule out bandwidth, memory, or overtaxed hardware( or corrupted firmware), why not just turn off all recording of the live cameras, restart the NVR so its not recording.( that will free up memory and bandwidth) then try to remote in either with smartpss or direct from the web...
  26. c hris527

    Security camera installer reuses passwords

    Haha me too, however at the time nobody else had access and they were admin only passwords, I had users setup with different credentials, none of the systems were able to reach the Internet, it was on a closed network. When I left that Job, I'm confident on day 1 they changed all the passwords...
  27. c hris527

    NVR5232-EL crash during playback

    Yea I could also login at the NVR..The NVR's never stopped recording, It took out all my remote capabilities Using the web gui or smart pss. Once I reset it would communicate over the network. I ended up turning off recording the sub feed and that helped some. Their should be a bandwidth...
  28. c hris527

    NVR5232-EL crash during playback

    I think I remember way back in 2015 or 2016 a thread i did on something similar. In my case it was a nvr issue on both units. SmartPss would crash on extended playback and lock me out of the Web Gui, I had to go to the location and re set the nvr to gain access.For remote access. I think I got...
  29. c hris527

    Does anyone know if massachusetts legally requires low voltage license to install security cameras?

    Its Implanted like a dog tracker, To be honest, at this stage in the game, If I never installed another camera, I would be O.K. with that. I,m sure everybody In New york follows the rules.
  30. c hris527

    Does anyone know if massachusetts legally requires low voltage license to install security cameras?

    I know in New York you do need a license for Security cameras, The other guy won the bid because I could not produce a low voltage license, they made damn sure the customer knew that. New york rules are just as murky as Massachusetts. I called the state and talked to somebody and they told me I...