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  1. nonix

    @alastairstevenson Hi I have bought Dahua from China DH-IPC-HDBW4631R-ZS) and flashed the wrong...

    @alastairstevenson Hi I have bought Dahua from China DH-IPC-HDBW4631R-ZS) and flashed the wrong firmware (yes, I am an idiot). Since that moment the cam does not "see" the Ethernet. Only option how to flash the cam is to use either serial or via uSD card. There was very helpful guy (iTuneDVR)...
  2. nonix

    Hi thank you, I will try to organize the teamviewer. And yes I am an i..t I've bricked it even...

    Hi thank you, I will try to organize the teamviewer. And yes I am an i..t I've bricked it even further :-(. Unfortunatly the loady is not in this version of Uboot, I've checked. it ... used to have fatread from SD card, but that's now gone as well :banghead:as I have successfully re-flashed ...
  3. nonix

    I think what happened, I flashed the fw via tftp and it did not work, but eth was still working...

    I think what happened, I flashed the fw via tftp and it did not work, but eth was still working. Than I try to re-flash but I think missed the window when you should disconnect the tftp. That started auto re-flash at which point I’ve disconnected :rolleyes: Btw, do you know how to load fw block...
  4. nonix

    How to flash using SD card instead TFTP

    Hi guys, My cam has SD card. Anyone knows how to flash fw using SD card from uBoot? I guess it should/could work around “fatload mmc ...”. Just asking if someone does have an experience in this area to ease my work. Thank you, N.
  5. nonix

    Hi first of all thank you :-) My apology if I put too much crap here: My network:

    Hi first of all thank you :-) My apology if I put too much crap here: My network: My TFTP server: My Cam IP: (above dhcp) After power up serial line shows: U-Boot 2010.06-svn6390 (Nov 27 2019 - 18:32:23) I2C: ready DRAM: 118 MiB...
  6. nonix

    Hi, thank you for the high hope of unbricking my cam. I did managed to get pas the UBoot (the...

    Hi, thank you for the high hope of unbricking my cam. I did managed to get pas the UBoot (the trick was to press *** right at the power up). Now my next issue is, I can't get network working. The ethernet is dead no lights no signal. Is there a trick how to do "ifup eth0" ? Thank you, N.
  7. nonix

    Network is down please help

    Hi guys, I've bricked my cam ;-( HWID=IPC-HDBW4631R-ZS-27135 I've managed to get into U-Boot via serial interface, however no matter what I set, the Ehternet won't activate. e.g. The Ethernet lights are not flashing nor green/yellow -- dead Is there a way to re-flash firmware via serial...
  8. nonix

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Hi guys, I am sorry if I am stealing this thread, but this thread seems so helpful and I hope some can help me out, too. I have (or had :() IPC-HDBW4631R-ZS, it was multilang fw but couldn't get it working with mac nor Win10 so I thought to upgrade fw. :eek: I've used web upgrade after...