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  1. J

    2.8mm or 4mm at these positions?

    Thought it would be good to post pictures of the finished install, to those who have similar questions. Got exactly what I was after. Wide picture and close up on the hens because of the extremely close mount of the cam (2-3 feet). And good enough picture to see identify someone at the door...
  2. J

    2.8mm or 4mm at these positions?

    I understand that, and that is why I wrote down the distance to different places in the picture. To get an idea of how big of a area I want to record. I can't afford buying a varifocal camera of this quality so I'll have to take a chance with my guess of lens choice. Thanks for the input.
  3. J

    2.8mm or 4mm at these positions?

    Done. Can't say I found a answer to my questions?
  4. J

    2.8mm or 4mm at these positions?

    We are looking at buying two new cameras to the house. One recording the outside of the hen-house. Their yard outside is priority, the rest of the garden is a bonus. Here I'm thinking 2.8mm to get the most vertical view close to the cam? The distance from the cameras position to the top of the...