I'm trying to sign up for this support service but I'm not sure I'm doing it correctly. I hope @Mike sees this. I went to the website and picked a date & time (tomorrow, 12/11) and got a confirmation email. But it seems I'm also supposed to get instructions or a link to pay, which I have not...
A quick update. None of the unistall/re-install processes worked with v2.0.8, but 2.1.1 installed beautifully. I have to figure out my model configuration and detection parameters because I get "Nothing Found" but I know CP.AI is being sent the images to analyze. Close!
That report looks identical to my issue. Thanks so much for the tip. I'm away from my BI/CPAI machine tonight but will investigate Saturday. Thanks again.
UPDATE: My symptoms were the same but the solution offered {deleteing the PROGRAMDATA json} does not work for me. In fact, I don't even...
Thanks @kaltertod and @MikeLud1 But, still no joy. All the uninstalls and re-installs seems to go perfectly and the Program Files/CodeProject directory is created again. But it never runs. I see no sign of CPAI in Device Manager or in the Services list. In the Blue Iris AI screen the...
My CPAI seems to be dead in the water and I don't know why. It's been installed and running very successfully for several months. The environment is Windows 10, BI and CPAI Starting 2 days ago, CPAI didn't respond and today when I pulled up localhost:32168, it did not respond...
Thanks, @MikeLud1 From the chart, the 5m seems to give the best performance boost with a low marginal increased hit to resources. ChatGPT suggests 5n would be near the 5m performance, but I don't see that opinion validated by the chart.
To clarify my own use, I use the direct method to the cameras by issuing http commands from my home automaton (Hubitat) system. This allows me to tweak the exact times, relative to sunrise and sunset, for each camera. E.g. the camera on my east side does better in day/color mode a few minutes...
Thank you, gents. Here is what I am using for the Profile. I don't want to use fixed times forever, but for testing I thought it best to use a time schedule so I know there is no automation getting in the way.
For Exposure, I am setting everything to manual for the same reason as above...
Sorry to say that this camera is still struggling. Here are its current settings:
And a snippet of 67 seconds of video with four dropouts. Any and all ideas are welcome.
In diagnosing my original problem, I realized that I am really ignorant about the profile and video settings for my Dahua cameras. Is there a "best practices" or tutorial anywhere that gives a detailed analysis of what these settings do?
Hi Andy. I've purchased from your refurbished list in the past but only ever during your Thanksgiving/BF sales. Do you keep the refurbished list up to date during the year? How would I monitor it?
Thanks @wittaj @BORIStheBLADE @fenderman
The CPU is an i5-6500 typically running 40-45%. 16GB RAM. The camera is at 15fps. Here is what BI shows (ip=50.57):
The log I am looking at doesn't show signal loss, but I may not be seeing the right log. The MOTION at 3:16:40 is the alert that...
I'd appreciate it if someone would look at this short video and give me some idea what is happening. Two times, at the 9:15 and 9:19 points, it seems to stop recording, as indicated by the time code. At 9:15, the picture seems to be still for 3 seconds, then jumps to 9:18. A second occurrence is...
@MikeLud1 Mike, I notice in your reply on static objects that your settings have "Use mainstream". I'm slowly catching on but I thought you always recommended to uncheck this option. Is that right?
I just read all 761 posts in this thread and now I can't find the one I'm looking for. Using CP.AI, I'm going to switch to @MikeLud1 's general and animal custom models. But, in the interest of efficiency, I'm happy for all the animals to be combined into one "animal" classification. I thought...
Thank you, @MikeLud1
I did as you suggested, and to my utter amazement, everything seems to be working. I have a lot of work to understand and fine-tune the trigger sensitivity and custom model selection, but basic functionality is there.
I am about ready to take the plunge and upgrade from Deepstack to CP.AI. I'd appreciate any advice or comments on the proper approach.
Currently running an I5 Windows 10 system with a Quadro P400/2GB DDR5. BI is (I installed an older version of CP.AI but it didn't work right and I...
I just asked the question in another thread "is now the time to move to CP.AI?". Since you are one of the more helpful people, I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience. Did you do it?
This seems to be the most active thread for CP.AI questions but if there is a better place - just tell me and I'll go away.
In your opinion, is the time upon us where it's time for a follow-the-recipe type (e.g. me) to convert from DS to CP.AI? Should I wait for any dramatic new and improved...
I'm experiencing the same problem, so I uninstalled DS (using the Windows Program uninstall). I noticed that the C:\Deepstack directory still exists with all or most of the DS files. Is this normal or does it indicate a failed uninstall?
Would I be better off reverting to BI
Miracle of miracles - I received my $100 P400 today and it's working. Without good metrics, the performance improvement is hard to quantify, but very roughly, on an i5-6500 CPU times were 500ms to 3s; the very few P400 samples I've seen are in the 200-300ms range.
Installation of the Nvidia...