Search results

  1. T

    Would you trust this device?

    Nothing unusual. Bluetooth module, flash memory, accelerometer sensor, and battery. Has value if you like hacking/salvaging stuff from the junk drawer. - Thomas
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    Amcrest AD410 dies in about 24 hours when connected to doorbell wiring

    Since the problem has occurred after two years of trouble-free operation, there is a chance the camera is defective. Or maybe the doorbell button switch is worn out and randomly making contact. If this occurs too often it may cause a WiFi disconnect because the battery would get discharged...
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    Package Delivery Technique USPS

    I had a similar front door delivery experience with UPS. Here is the 14 year old (2010) video of the special delivery. Apologies for the poor quality. - Thomas
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    At my previous house I was having an ongoing problem with wild turkeys digging in the front yard gardens. They made a huge mess. I tried a couple different motion sensing sprinklers from Amazon but they were unreliable. The winning solution was a DiY automated water sprayer that used my home...
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    Eliminate TCP port 10080 - Need NVR NVR5224-24P-4KS2 Security Update firmware

    As as long as we are here to dream, I'd like this for a NVR5216-16P-4KS2 V1. :) - Thomas
  6. T

    Customize Display On Dahua Nvr?

    If you want to limit the Dahua NVR's screen to only five cameras then you can create a custom "Split-5" layout. However, two cameras will share a quadrant, so their width will be compressed. See screenshot. - Thomas
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    Malware in EmpireTech IPC-Color4K-T webplugin.exe

    +1. Windows security reported my Color4K-T's plugin is Trojan infected. The Trojan is named "Win32/Wacatac.H!ml". The details say: "This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker." Fortunately the camera's web interface works without it. But it is worrisome that the plugin is...
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    EmpireTech 2024 Spring Sales

    Today I received my 3rd place (IPC-Color4K-T) and 6th place (IPC-HDBW5442R-ESE) prizes. Thank you Andy. The HDBW5442R is already installed; Interior location that will observe a big sliding glass door. The Color4K-T will go up as soon as the rain stops. My driveway view is currently a...
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    Amazon's "Just Walk Out" Checkout

    I live in a gated community that has a self-serve Amazon convenience store with "Walk Out" technology. The ceiling has a couple dozen cameras and shelving can sense weight changes to monitor when packaged items are removed or returned. Management told us the "AI" tracking cameras were incapable...
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    Did anyone managed to upgrade IP5M-T1179EW from Amcrest to Dauha.

    A couple years ago I used DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2.800.0000000.19.R.200628.bin on mine. Worked great, added IVS functions. But as mentioned by wittaj, Amcrest changed the camera upload function to prevent this hack. So if you have recently manufactured Amcrest IP5M-T1179EW then I...
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    Dahua N. America sold to Taiwanese company.

    The equipment ban was probably killing them. Hopefully the change of ownership will allow them to sell new camera models to North America. - Thomas
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    EmpireTech 2024 Spring Sales

    Sixth place winner here. Got the email. I requested a white BMW. - Thomas
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    EmpireTech 2024 Spring Sales

    I'm a 6th place lotto winner. I hope the BMW is on its way! Thank you Andy for conducting another fabulous lottery. - Thomas
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    Color 4K-T

    Thanks for the info. I populated the schedule's calendar with local sunrise/sunset times for the middle of each month. - Thomas
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    Color 4K-T

    Good to hear that. But all I can find is the profile scheduler (calendar method). I've continued to dig in the menus and don't see how to enable my day/night profiles from the camera's light sensor. So it seems I need some hand-holding on this function.
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    Color 4K-T

    I'm a new Color4K-T user. And this is the first IPC I've installed with the new Web interface. I saw the profile scheduler, which requires manually entering the day/night times for each month. This is nice, but any chance this camera has a light sensor that can switch day/night based on outdoor...
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    EmpireTech 2024 Spring Sales

    Just installed my new IPC-Color4K-T from Andy. Really like it. My Dahua NVR is now hosting 13 camera views. And my lotto ticket was a 3rd place winner; I get another IPC-Color4K-T! Living the dream. - Thomas
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    Thoughts on this walkway location - First Camera

    This is what I do: One boob points towards visitor's face, the other boob points down to see packages.
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    Thoughts on this walkway location - First Camera

    I have a Dahua Boobie camera at my front door. Height is 68" AGL. Attached is an example of a head shot.
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    EmpireTech 2024 Spring Sales

    Some good deals there. But sadly a white IPC-Color4K-T 2.8mm is not on it. Will have to talk myself into spending more on a fresh new one. Or wait for the next sale. - Thomas
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    EmpireTech 2024 Spring Sales

    I have a location that needs a white 3.6mm IPC-Color4K-T Turret. Hoping to see some on the refurb list. - Thomas
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    Is a Dahua NVR actually 1U or 2U in a rack?

    I wanted to rack mount my NVR5216-16P-4KS2 using a generic 2U shelf kit. But the required depth was not friendly to the rack size that would fit in the coat closet. I ended up wall mounting the NVR, which is now hidden behind some jackets.
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    Pros/Cons Bullet vs Turret

    WAF = Wife Acceptance Factor. - Thomas
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    Pros/Cons Bullet vs Turret

    Not that I have performed a scientific study, but I swear turrets do not attract wasp/hornets as much as bullets do. I think the bullet's smaller lens "hole" is fooling them that a nice place to nest is inside. For sure, turrets are less "commercial" looking. So WAF is much higher on them.
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    5441F Boobie cam Resource is limited, open video failed

    I found this, which might apply to your use case: - Thomas
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    Upgrading Alarm/Security System - Seeking Opinions

    1. No. The DLS programming software is old and it communicates via the panel's serial port. 2. Chime is the same for open/close. BTW, the chime sound is depends on the keypad, not the panel. Some keypads have only one chime noise. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Yes. One of the reasons I like the Envisalink 4...
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    Upgrading Alarm/Security System - Seeking Opinions

    Looks like you have made your choice to stick with DSC. That's what I did. Your situation is similar to one I faced a few months ago. Twenty years ago I installed a DSC PC5010. It was expanded to about 30 zones to monitor all the wired entry switches and other sensors. I had a monitoring...
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    false triggered video tampering alarm when IP cam switches from night mode to day mode

    Perhaps a workaround is to set the Video Detection Period to ignore the timeframe it switches to day mode. - Thomas
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    Question on Dahua Live View through HDMI monitors

    Perhaps you have Display->Tour Setting turned on. If that's the case then disable it. Or maybe your Uncle has a mouse on his system and is clicking it after you leave. Doing that can direct the screen to show only the camera that was clicked on. Click it again and it will return to multi-view.
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    EmpireTech 8th Anniverasay Sales July.18th-23rd

    Thanks for letting me play. I got lucky this time and won a 4th place seat! - Thomas