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  1. D

    IPC-Color4K-T and IPC-Color4K-T180 230227 Firmware

    That's September. The latest appears to be October or later.
  2. D

    IPC-Color4K-T and IPC-Color4K-T180 230227 Firmware

    Same thing I get and I'm interested in the latest as well.
  3. D

    IPC-Color4K-T and IPC-Color4K-T180 230227 Firmware

    The drop box is still for September. Did something happen to the October update? The link for the October update expired.
  4. D

    Hello everyone from California...

    And as of yesterday's release blue iris can now mark alerts as a person or car through mqtt alerts.
  5. D

    A New Doorbell

    Well I brought it up because most people if they have doorbells are probably using a subscription doorbell to have a good app. Rather than an app that might get you hacked because the camera shouldn't have access to the internet? Many people don't even use their Dahua or hikvision p2p services...
  6. D

    A New Doorbell

    As long as this can be used with home assistant similar to the amcrest ad410 then the app is not necessary unless you want 2 way talking. If this works with home assistant I would get this just for the camera quality, and rtsp, no more nest subscription fees.
  7. D

    A New Doorbell

    That AD410 is a 4mp and this new dahua is 5mp which would mean it's an entirely different doorbell camera right? Do you have any idea when this will be available to buy?
  8. D

    Blue Iris Trigger Camera Motion alarm

    That would be an Onvif alert. You would turn off motion detector source for triggers. And make sure on the camera side that it's sending Onvif alerts.
  9. D

    A New Doorbell

    Do we have an idea of when it will be released?
  10. D

    A New Doorbell

    Can this work with Mqtt so it can be integrated into home assistant? Also will it have the logo on it or will the units Andy sells not have the logo?
  11. D

    Blue Iris Trigger Camera Motion alarm

    I have 4 IPC-HDW5831R-ZE cameras from Andy. I'm going to start using frigate soon and it will trigger blue iris to record. Is it possible for frigate to send an mqqt alert to blue iris and then blue iris can send an alarm to the camera itself? I'm trying to avoid the camera using IVS and...
  12. D

    5.5.0 - September 13, 2021

    I'm having the same issue.
  13. D

    5.5.0 - September 13, 2021

    Does anyone know how I can change UI3 back to a grid of cameras side by side rather than stacked vertically? I assume it has to do with the latest update.
  14. D

    Home Assistant and FTP alert images.

    Yep it's odd that there's a way for sms messages to be sent for confirmed alerts only and send the alert images but there's no other way to use that get the same image sent for ftp. Someone told me there's a way to use the files bi exposes but it's a very in depth process of using Ds in a...
  15. D

    Home Assistant and FTP alert images.

    It may be working now to use immediate actions. Where are the images sent to deepstack saved? Would it be possible to send images that were confirmed rather than immediate actions and taking pictures immediately of potentially nothing and sometimes something? Meaning the image used to confirm...
  16. D

    Home Assistant and FTP alert images.

    I have nothing there lol. I thought ftp upload should go under alerts -> "on alert" as that's where I had my sms alerts and mqtt. You're saying it should be under trigger -> "immediate actions"?
  17. D

    Home Assistant and FTP alert images.

    I'm running home assistant and initially I was using mqtt to trigger in home assistant the motion detector for the camera and then an automation to take a snapshot of the camera as I pulled all the cameras from blue Iris into home assistant. The issue is there is a significant delay and the...
  18. D

    5.4.6 - May 17, 2021

    Has anyone else had slower loading times loading the recent clips lately with the last few updates when using UI3? As soon as I opened UI3 the clips used to load nearly instantly and now it takes awhile for the clips to load.
  19. D

    5.4.5 - May 10, 2021

    I just noticed after I did the update that the AI stopped detecting anything since Friday. I restarted the service and restarted the PC and it's still not detecting anything. It says it's activated. I did hit start and stop as well to see if that would work.
  20. D

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    Yep these are all day time issues I am having. I know it would have trouble at night with the distance it is away from the street although at 5am when it was dark is the only time it ever detected and never again. Somehow it detected once and it happened to be very dark hours after setting it up...
  21. D

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    I still even with the new release and using the cpu and gpu version have a camera further away from the street reporting nothing and the other always reporting confirmed alerts that's closer to the street. I changed the I frame settings and the key frames are set to 1 now as well and that didn't...
  22. D

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    I'm continuously having a camera that sees the same thing another does just further away say "nothing found" and before the update it would be under cancelled alerts when I clearly see a car or a person pass in the video. The other camera with a similar view that's closer to the street always...
  23. D

    Blue Iris and Wyze V2 RTSP issue - potential breakthrough

    I just got 4 Dahuas and I am using them over wifi with a tp link small wifi router in client mode connected to a udm or a unifi beacon. At first I had some issues with the udm drowning out the channel affecting the cameras connected to the beacon I lowered it's power output and although it...
  24. D

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    It is interestingg I still have IVS enabled on my dahuas and I can't tell for sure although it appears that the AI will match the IVS alerts or potentially cancel out IVS alerts. I walked outside and there is no record of me walking outside lol whether I check alerts, confirmed alerts or...
  25. D

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    I notice for me it detects people as cars sometimes and cars as people. Not sure if there's a way to change that? It just detected a fox as a person lol. I'm using deep stack off of a gpu.
  26. D - Direct Deep Stack Integreation in BI YAY !

    Thank you I got the deep stack to work I'll see how I can use the lpr. I'm putting up a varifocal lense closer to the street that may work.
  27. D - Direct Deep Stack Integreation in BI YAY !

    Has anyone gotten this integration to work and how does the plate recognizer work?