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  1. KrusherPT

    Help reseting password/ Factory reset Chinese NVR

    Get soldering iron, and some pins or wires and solder 4 on CN10( 4th image 1 square hole and 3 round ones), then get serial to usb adapter (ft232rl) and conect them (check with multimeter iwch one is the vcc/live and ground they are 1st and 4th pins), the middles ones are rx tx, you need to test...
  2. KrusherPT

    Help reseting password/ Factory reset Chinese NVR

    I'm not sure but that CN10 on the pcb should be jtag (i can be wrong), solder 4 pins, get an serial to usb adapter and try to see if you can get serial connection
  3. KrusherPT

    Help reseting password/ Factory reset Chinese NVR

    Finally dumped all files using sf read, md.b, binwalk and jefferson and after some troubleshooting(wrong understanting how sf read works) I got the db file from the flash memory (config mtd partition) yay!!!
  4. KrusherPT

    Help reseting password/ Factory reset Chinese NVR

    UPDATE: I soldered some pins on j25 and got serial comms, I can somehow get inside the uboot and then some sort of root (modifying uboot env params) without Iface BUT it doenst have the files for the web interface/GUI, and with some further research it somehow starts another "machine" on...
  5. KrusherPT

    Help reseting password/ Factory reset Chinese NVR

    Thanks for spending time trying to help me but unfortunately this device doesn't have reset button/pin in the pcb as I said before. And yes strangely it shows a router login page but is a NVR XD
  6. KrusherPT

    Help reseting password/ Factory reset Chinese NVR

    Hi everyone I've been banging my head :banghead: trying to repair my nvr, I forgot my admin password (paranoia of a backdoor and stealing password resulting in a strange password). Tried most superpassword generators, no reset pins/buttons only jtag, and no reset button at login. If anyone...