Search results

  1. R

    Blue Iris and smart door locks / unarming

    Hello, apologies if this has already been answered, but I did a quick search and didn't find an answer. This group helped me configure Blue Iris for my uses - so thank you. We are now through the winter and I need to expand on its functionality to deal with more activity around the farm yard...
  2. R

    Blue Iris motion detection

    Hi, I am installing Blue Iris for the farmyard. Things are going well other than for motion detection - despite setting the size of the object and the contrast, I'm finding it difficult to get it where I'm happy: Often a vehicle is already past the the camera when the camera starts to record...
  3. R

    Farm Wifi / oh-my

    Hello, I have some buildings that I'd like to install a camera in, but there's no wiring in. And the ground is now frozen and covered with white stuff so we're not dealing with wiring anytime soon! I've got an Ayrstone Hub 2x2c AyrMesh Hub2x2C - Ayrstone Productivity across the farmyard and...
  4. R

    Hello for snowy western Canada

    Hi, looking forward to learning from what you guys are posting here, figured I should join. Just bought BI from the store, waiting for the key. ;) I had ordered up some Reolink cameras based on a recommendation from a local who is in the security business. Postal service messed up the order...