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  1. Fletty

    IMOU Ranger Pro - RTSP Problems [SOLVED]

    OK i found the solution! The passwort is in fontsize 1 at the bottom of the camera. This info i found in the internet... The username ist "admin". The working address is: rtsp:/admin:MYPASSWORD@ Btw. i got help from: Connect to Imou cameras
  2. Fletty

    IMOU Ranger Pro - RTSP Problems [SOLVED]

    The problem is i dont know the username or password or where to get it. I got this error: Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'rtsp:/admin:admin@'. Check the log for details. Like i said i only have the IMOU Account login...
  3. Fletty

    IMOU Ranger Pro - RTSP Problems [SOLVED]

    Only when i login into the App with the IMOU Account. But not every single cam seperate. Yeah not in the manual but i see alot of videos on youtube with exactly the sam cam. They scan it and find the open port 544. or someting
  4. Fletty

    IMOU Ranger Pro - RTSP Problems [SOLVED]

    Hello guys :) As already read, I own several IMOU Ranger Pro. I would like to watch them via RTSP stream. I know the Windows App works well, but I would like to embed the stream in OBS. I know the IP of the cameras but not more. In the app I log in with the IMOU account data. I have tried it...