Search results

  1. I

    What cameras to recommend to neighbors, for neighborhood coverage?

    Thank you Mat200, unfortunately, we don’t have the money in our Neighborhood Association's budget to add more cameras (its not an HOA, so we can’t force people to join and pay dues), and we also don’t have electricity near the exits, that’s why we're hoping to find cameras that our residents...
  2. I

    What cameras to recommend to neighbors, for neighborhood coverage?

    Thank you for your response, and for responding like I'm 5 :) The neighborhood has one 3 mile long through street and we have a Flock LPR camera at each end. There are several cul de sac streets which intersect with the through street, and these dead end streets range from a couple hundred feet...
  3. I

    What cameras to recommend to neighbors, for neighborhood coverage?

    I'm not knowledgeable about security cameras, so please ELI5. Our local police have told us that they would be able to solve crimes and prosecute criminals better if more residents had security cameras pointed at the street to 1) capture suspect's cars parked outside when the criminals are...