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  1. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    The Plenum cable above is holding up well for me. No signs of degradation. 10G backbone between switch and control has been consistently stable. I have a second FO run for my gate. That line was a buried rated FO line that was run while I was installing a water line onto my property. That...
  2. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    I think I found the Unify Protect limit for ONVIF streams. The documentation says 8 feeds max. I tried to feed in 7 4K ONVIF streams. One of the cameras was a 180 degree twin lens type stream. That was a bridge too far! The system was constantly needing to be refreshed per camera. I backed it...
  3. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    Thanks and yes on a phone. My BI also tended to spike. I ended up turning off all camera based alerts and I did enable sub streaming. H264 base encoding. Code project AI is running to capture motion and a LPR dedicated camera as well. Now spikes briefly but nothing like before. Idles at...
  4. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    Scalable is a good word for the day! I am using BI along with the Ubiquity Dream Machine Pro SE. it’s got 8TB of backup. I don’t recall seeing this mentioned in any of the specs. How many cameras can the Unify system handle if they are generic 2K-4K ONVIF streams? I have roughly 18 cameras in...
  5. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    I see. Not sure if Unify will do that considering they now sell a dedicated AI box per line. I’ll continue to use Protect as a backup system for now as it does have some nice live view features,
  6. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    Sorry for posting to an old thread but I recently enabled several ONVIF streams on my Ubiquity DreamMachine SE with a hard drive. The cameras are recording continuous and I can see the feeds no problem. I was trying to get the ONVIF cameras to set triggers. Looks like that is not possible. Has...
  7. J

    IP4M-1098EW-AI PTZ shows Limited Resources - Failed to Play Video

    Resolved. I had local camera alerts writing to camera memory. Since I’m using Blue Iris and AI to now analyze the feed I turned off all the local writing to memory. I did a factory reset then turned off all the local writes. Seems to have fixed it as I can once again use the PTZ functions...
  8. J

    IP4M-1098EW-AI PTZ shows Limited Resources - Failed to Play Video

    I installed this PTZ a month or so back and initially the PTZ function would work fine. I do not have it on a preset pattern or anything and manually move it with Blue Iris controls. Lately the video fee is fine in Blue Iris but if I attempt to control the camera with the PTZ function in Blue...
  9. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Yes the gate hub goes out at the gate. If you have fiber with an Ethernet adapter your set out there. The hub buys you 3 spare POE ports. I already had an 8 port switch with SFP up at my gate already. The hub gives a few extra ports which isn’t a bad thing. Unify hub has an open/close input. See...
  10. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Funny I had purchased the GBF gate controller as well. I tried enabling it in Blue Iris and found the default ONVIF password was not a field they allowed to be edited. Sorry but that was a dealbreaker for me. Having Chinese server support was very iffy as well. Combined I removed that device...
  11. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Any update on this? I just enabled my gate controller this weekend and so glad that I have fiber up there. 1Gb connection to the gate is overkill but still nice as I have four cameras, WiFi hot spot and gate controller up there.
  12. J

    Modello Mexican tries to run me over

    I don't know that I would have hit his car with the flashlight! Lucky he didn't shoot you.
  13. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    I used a wire stripping tool I had already to score outer sheath and to dress each fiber down to the outer 125u sheath. It is for fine wires in electronics and it worked great. I used the tools from my previous post to strip and clean the fibers then cleaved the bare...
  14. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Half hitch works well for larger wires. I just doubled the pull string back and taped over it. I used about a 1/2 roll of 3M electrical tape to ensure it was well bonded to the pull string. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    The boxes may need to be removed to facilitate pulling/pushing cable. I used a similar pull string and didn’t require a separate pull rope. A more sturdy pull material would help. I pulled about 40-50 lbs worth and at times I was worried it may fail. Believe the rating on the poly string is a...
  16. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Yes I’m ok with that since I used a PVC conduit for the fiber to run inside. I would use direct bury if not using a conduit. Armored would provide more protection but does require careful consideration of the ground. I’ve actually used both ground rated as well as the riser rated. I liked...
  17. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Single mode is great for long runs or if you can afford it. As others have offered it’s often the preferred mode since it can work in short or long runs. Less cable to stock. For this situation multi mode OM3 is plenty capable. I got 10G to my main controller using a couple SFP+ ports. My main...
  18. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    If your going to use a conduit then this works well. I used a partial spool like this along with the LC type snap on connectors. Ran...
  19. J

    IP4M-1098EW-AI Blue Iris Setup

    Doohhhh! I didn't see the configuration for the ONVIF user. I assumed it was the same user and login. Added an ONVIF user and now it's working. Thank you!
  20. J

    IP4M-1098EW-AI Blue Iris Setup

    I have the camera talking on a VLAN and can see and control it via the Web interface. However I have PTZ enabled in Blue Iris yet I can not control the camera. The configuration is enabled for ONVIF. While setting up the BI Camera I entered in the IP and let the tool attempt to configure the...
  21. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    CCA cables are all over the place and work (temporarily IMHO) for short hauls. Anything over 100M should not attempt to POE or wire in general. That’s the real advantage fiber offers. That being said I did run about 350 feet of cat6a wire in a water line trench as a backup solution in case my...
  22. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Isolation transformer was key to enabling that lightning protection. I'd run similar lengths with copper and those isolation transformers are a necessity.
  23. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Not only is the distance beyond cat6. The fiber buys you lightning protection. If I get a lightning strike out near my gate the entire area including the ground will be charged. Ground currents can fry wires and equipment so I tried to avoid that.
  24. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Yes sweep elbows. You will find the fiber isn’t that difficult to use. The house run takes a 90 about 100 feet out. I used a pop up box to allow me to pull to that location before attempting the longer run to the house. The fiber just loops in and back out. Worked great. I have a spare conduit...
  25. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    I just wrapped up a couple of long fiber runs at my ranch. One goes about 600 feet to the front gate to my shop. I placed the fiber in a trench along with power. IN hindsight I would use a 1" PVC conduit if I did it over. I have no way to change out the line if it's damaged and would have made...
  26. J

    Beginner question - POE 12V, 24V, 48V

    Thanks. I've got an Annke camera I will have to see what it looks like. Very cognizant of the power requirements so I will try to keep the siren under 4W. May need to use a backup plan if I want something very loud though.
  27. J

    Beginner question - POE 12V, 24V, 48V

    Initial idea was to power a 12V siren off an alarm but only have POE in the area. I have a camera in the spot but not a power outlet. May mod the camera as that seems like a clean fix. If the blocking diode is ultra small or difficult I may reassess my plan.
  28. J

    Beginner question - POE 12V, 24V, 48V

    Makes sense on the diode. Yes please forward as it would potentially allow me to reduce the complexity of the external wiring at the camera.
  29. J

    Beginner question - POE 12V, 24V, 48V

    Sorry to dredge up this post but I have a related question that I have yet to find an answer. If I power my cameras via POE is the 12V jack on the camera "live" or is it unpowered? I want to potentially run an external alarm speaker off 12V and would like to avoid a separate POE splitter with a...