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  1. slidermike

    2025 New Arrivals From EmpireTech

    @EMPIRETECANDY will the new animal firmware be ready for these models for the spring sale event?
  2. slidermike

    EmpireTech 2025 Spring Sales March.18th-23rd

    thanks Andy. tickets bought. good luck everyone.
  3. slidermike

    2025 New Arrivals From EmpireTech

    @EMPIRETECANDY , tell them to add animal detection by default in all of their cameras for us please. :) Love you!
  4. slidermike

    IPcam Monitoring software

    if the camera SD card has a path you can find, you could try accessing it with rsync from a pc command prompt. Then if that works you could create a batch file (windows) or crontab to run it x times a day. Or maybe ftp, I think some cameras support this functionality. Here is someone doing a...
  5. slidermike

    2025 New Arrivals From EmpireTech

    Thanks wittaj thats helpful. I knew the "S3" had the animal detection. To be clear, do all the 5xxx have animal or only if it also has the S3 at the end? I follow along but not enough to remain up on which has which features and it seems the camera descriptions do not call out animal detection...
  6. slidermike

    2025 New Arrivals From EmpireTech

    @EMPIRETECANDY Andy which models for 2025 support animal detection? I know in general you said "the 5 series IR models S3 support animal detection." I do not know which are the 5 series. Also, do any of the ptz do animal detection? I would like to capture the wildlife out back of the house...
  7. slidermike

    2025 New Arrivals From EmpireTech

    How did we get off topic and into geo-politics in a "new arrivals" in a vendors forum space? There are probably more appropriate areas in the forum ;)
  8. slidermike

    2025 New Arrivals From EmpireTech

    Andy will the new AI function be useable for those of us with this model camera already? A firmware update to get the new AI function?
  9. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Thank you very much VD. That was super helpful. I do have one question. On your github page the readme says to use a field called "Mark as Vehicle" which I do not appear to have in my BI. I am running the most recent, stable branch with current CPIA. The rest of your easy to follow directions...
  10. slidermike

    Review- EmpireTech IPC-T54IR-AS-S3 2.8mm turret fixed lens

    @looney2ns do you know if @EMPIRETECANDY ever got comparable 4k cameras and if so, what are your thoughts on choosing one over the other? In my case out here in the woods I still want that excellent low light ability the 4mp give with the sensor. Curious if the 4k is able to match this night...
  11. slidermike

    2025 New Arrivals From EmpireTech

    Oh man, that looks nice. My heart says yes, my wife says no :)
  12. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    I have probably missed it somewhere but how do you use the "delivery labels"? Is there a link to the instructions someone would be kind enough to re-share? Thank you
  13. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    ok so you want CPIA support. In that case Mike Lud shared a link to that one page back on this very thread for you. :)
  14. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    Dorsey you can get BI support through their webpage. That can be linked from within BI settings. Otherwise please click on for support or to share your comments, suggestions, or questions. For additional support options, please use the ? Help icon in the software.
  15. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    those are decent cpu times. if you do try to pass a gpu through, do a backup of your vm first just in case. I would expect a gpu time to drop into the double digits. Not sure what the benefit in your use case would be but there is one way to find out.
  16. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    Gotcha. Well I can only hope that the version you are running does what you need. In which case there is no need for updating for updating sake. Best of luck!
  17. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    Thats a great question. I did not see where to post a comment to the devs who are still maintaining the product. I want to let them know of the issues I am seeing with trying to update versions in dockers shrugs Post it here if you figure it out.
  18. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    If you wanted you could try the process someone else posted a few pages back: 1 - Open Control Panel and select "Program and Features" 2 - Select "CodeProject.AI Server 2.x.x and then uninstall 3 - Open File Explorer and delete both the C:\Program Files\CodeProject and...
  19. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    There is something wrong with both 2.9.5 & latest for cpia. I tried running it on a separate docker installation on a different server with the same results. Each comes up running 2.9.4 and says 2.9.5 is available as an update. Not sure how to report it to the developers.
  20. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    To your question, I would say try each for a day and see which you have better luck with. I seem to keep going back to .net myself. Not a ton of difference between them in my observations but a slightly better match rate in .net... Though what works for one does not mean it is universal. I...
  21. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    Anyone else able to confirm this behavior? I am running docker CPIA 2.9.4, see 2.9.5 docker hub. So I modified the compose file and started up. Did not really appear to pull down a new image (started too quickly) and in the web interface it still says 2.9.4. Modified the flag to latest with the...
  22. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    I would not update any install working how you want it.
  23. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  24. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    I just installed the pre-release docker 2.9.4, updated the yolov5 .net to 1.13.0 Will see how it goes. Being a docker image makes upgrade/down grade easy.
  25. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    I see docker 2.9.2 (pre-release) version is available now. I will get that shortly. edit only seeing rpi & arm containers for now. Will keep checking.
  26. slidermike

    8-9ms inference speeds with OpenVino on a cpu 7th gen!!

    True and I am running a docker container of one of the newer from github. But it seems the writing is on the wall. But the cruxed of my comment was to see if he would share the config related.
  27. slidermike

    2024 EmpireTech Thanksgiving Day Sales& Black Friday &Christmas Sales- Winter Sales

    I see the tickets are out of stock. Are you hosting anymore for those of us who did not get in on the initial offer or are we down to just purchase based tickets? Thanks bud!
  28. slidermike

    8-9ms inference speeds with OpenVino on a cpu 7th gen!!

    Mind sharing the config to make it simpler for your forum pals @Pentagano ? With the collapse of CPAI it looks about time to give Frigate another run. I understand the newer version gave it a much needed refresh. Thanks !
  29. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Thanks @Vettester , the multi-zones and crosses is a good idea. I can give that a try. Hate to raise the confidence as generally it works decent (minus the bad weather events that trigger falses out the wazoo).
  30. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Similar to PBC I have plants/tree branches that I have excluded due to false alerts but when its heavy rain or heavy winds, they can creep out into the rest of the monitoring window and trigger false again. Its a pain in the butt. To exclude the entire travel path of these limbs would...