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  1. M

    DS-2CD2012-I and smb share problem

    After some configuration I follow your post and set quota on network disk for cam user, now the cam works fine. Thanks a lot
  2. M

    DS-2CD2012-I and smb share problem

    Hi PLGVIE, sorry for my late. I try to set your configuration bu the result was the same. Is there a cam log that I try to read? The cam, when formatting, writes it's forlder correctly (I saw data0, data1, data2), but after some minutes the cam was already in error and the filesystem is...
  3. M

    DS-2CD2012-I and smb share problem

    Hi to everyone, I have a nas and I configure a share where the cam store a video. I upgrade to 5.2.0 version because it can use the smb share. After configure the user to access the share and format the share the cam recognize a new path but when it try to write the share return to...