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  1. B


    Ill take some pics later and put them up on here. Mine looks nearly the same as your login page.
  2. B


    Thank you for the reply. I will put a new question with all the details in it on another page as this is just the intro page. The camera has no name on the outside or the inside of the camera it just says, model number A1-8S-P and i can not find anything on the camera although it says made in...
  3. B


    Thank you for the reply. The Browser i mentioned is embedded into the camera itself. when i open IE and put in the cameras ip it comes up to a page that is the goahead web browser login which is the problem. I have been connecting one camera at a time the camera i have is a Anpr camera so has a...
  4. B


    I have been having lots of fun but now my head will explode. :D bought 2 cameras which were supposedly reset but had passwords in goahead browser so i opened them up and used the 2 reset buttons inside them then did a ip search. they seem now to have 2 ip addresses and both still asking for...
  5. B


    Just saying hi as i have just joined. I am not very good with IP cameras and have bought 2 second hand ones to fit in my yard so need help with them thats why i have joined. Thank you