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  1. L

    flagged alerts save to NAS/X

    i did a search but i havnt seen it is there a way to just move flagged alerts save to NAS/X if theres a post about it please post a link to it thanks
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    Dahua 2MP Starlight Lineup

    is there still a audio version?
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    Dahua 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera (SD49225T-HN)

    what i been noticing is the BV-Tech 30w POE i listed in the first post seems to die after 1-2 years in use
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    Blue Iris UI3

    thanks for the reply with what you said i think i figured out what it was the only change was i enabled dual wan connections on my router so i believe it was bouncing with 2 out going ip's i just disabled wan 2 to test and for 5 mins it looks ok will test more Thanks @bp2008
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    Blue Iris UI3

    ui3 seems to be failing on me for some reason brand new install win10 brand new install of bi 5 just updated to 5.02.4 which still has the same problem it seemed to work for the first week just fine some times it works im also getting alerts not to load up on the left...when i rdp into the box...
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    Camera on great horned owl nest

    might need a path try /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif
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    Dahua 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera (SD49225T-HN)

    that one i post is the newer one the older one is
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    Dahua 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera (SD49225T-HN)

    im still on a super old version its been working fine :)
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    IP Cam in a car -- It works better than you think.

    a lot of routers are 12 volts its just converted from 120v to 12v
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    Dahua 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera (SD49225T-HN)

    try a shorter run and see if the problem is still there once you start getting up there in feet volts start droping
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    Dahua 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera (SD49225T-HN)

    been using the BV-Tech 30W Poe+ for over 1 year no problems on 2 ptz's
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    Affordable PC for BI and around 10 Cameras

    Choosing Hardware for Blue Iris | IP Cam Talk
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    Starlight comes to Dashcams -IPC-MW4231A-E2 2MP Dual Lens Dash Camera

    thats pretty good for being only $60
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    Lost Signal After Whole House Fan Install

    ive had BV replace the switch i had bad it was super painless A+ in my book
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    Feral Cat Shelter

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    Lost Signal After Whole House Fan Install

    try another poe switch i had 1 bv switch die on me
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    Frequent shutdowns and BSOD's on usually great PC

    what cameras do you have? i had one that would crash my pc weird i know but it took me forever to figure that out
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    Feral Cat Shelter

    i wonder if this would work might not work to well in the dark due to 5mp but it has a super wide lens : Buy IPC EB5531 5MP Panoramic Network Fisheye Camera IPC EB5531 , free DHL shipping from Reliable fisheye camera suppliers on Empire Technology Co., Ltd
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    Dahua 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera (SD49225T-HN)

    if your vpn'in into your network like you should no one should be accessing the camera so updating it is not really needed i have NOT updated mine and i have one of the first versions out there
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    Feral Cat Shelter

    same thing happen to this little guy hes like 3 weeks old was in my sisters car he burn his nose 20 mile drive we ended up keeping him happened about a month ago
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    Dahua 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera (SD49225T-HN)

    its a great camera for the price been thinking about moving them into the back yard and upgrading to newer ones in the front yard
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    Dahua 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera (SD49225T-HN)

    welcome! my ptz 2 cameras i got from you are still rocking tons of miles
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    Dahua 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera (SD49225T-HN)

    looks like the link changed from the first page i updated it from @EMPIRETECANDY
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    Feral Cat Shelter

    mine on the bed getting ready for there day nap
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    Dahua 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera (SD49225T-HN)

    i added a poe Injector in my first post that works with this camera as well with many others i have 2 of these's Injectors and there working great 1 year + strong
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    securing remote NVRs

    nvr's have backdoor's use vpn
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    Your thoughts on server vs. desktop class hardware for BI?

    get rid of that dell poweredge that thing is way to high on Power consumption with only 8 cameras you can find something for around 200-300 and only use around 40 watts the savings in power bill should take care of the new computer within a year or so
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    Palmtree cam installation?

    unless you have something in the way you most likely dont need to put it 30feet up
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    Finding Electricity

    just wondering...what do you need that needs electricity out side?