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  1. M

    EzViz LC3 Firmware request

    Hi all, Does anyone have an olderfirmware version for a Ezviz LC3 camera Wall light. I need to get it working with a RTSP stream and yes i did all the thing i could find on internet like going in to the app true ios LAN, true the windows app and rewrite the config file. Only thing i can do is...
  2. M

    New doorbell recommendations

    From the past i always had Axis security cam’s and loved them even in the dark there where not lots of other brands that could compete. I do need the I/O relay controle for my smart home because i want to intergrate it with Fibaro HC3 setup. But i am open for other brands. Night vision and...
  3. M

    New doorbell recommendations

    I am thinking about the AXIS I8116-E to but there are no reviews and i know it might be because it’s an expensive camera but really wanna know if it’s woth buying the axis.
  4. M

    Connections on DS-7108NI-E1 /V/W

    Maybe it's a strange question but need to ask. I have a new NVR Hikvision DS-7108NI-E1/V/W and it's also a router. My situation is: - connection from ISP to my own Draytech router and from there to 3 switches. No i want to place the NVR behind one of the switches and my question is must i use...
  5. M

    Hikvision nvr DS-7104NI-SLW wrong firmware

    Oke that was the problem that i was giving it a try with windows 10. Now with windows 7 there was no problem at all and the downgrade is completed. Much thanks for the support.
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    Hikvision nvr DS-7104NI-SLW wrong firmware

    O oke i will give it a try with a windows 7 pc
  7. M

    Hikvision nvr DS-7104NI-SLW wrong firmware

    Still get the message Connect to client: succes open file [\c:\TFTP Serv\econt_Vision-AV2000] failure
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    Hikvision nvr DS-7104NI-SLW wrong firmware

    I have got the right firmware V2.xx but TFTP dosn't get any futher than the AV2000. I did try do download the correct downgraded firmware again but still the AV2000 message. NVR is fully operation. Is it posible that when TFTP hangs on te AV2000 message it will go on with te rest of the...
  9. M

    Hikvision nvr DS-7104NI-SLW wrong firmware

    I just the V3.0.13 build150503 witch is for the DS-7104NI-SL............ The NVR is activated and TFTP hangs on the AV2000 error. How do you mean i can see the activation status within SADP because i don't see it.
  10. M

    Hikvision nvr DS-7104NI-SLW wrong firmware

    Hi all, I am new to this forum but i think and hoping you will be abble to help me with a small issue. I have a Hikvision DS7104NI-SLW NVR and i did a firmware update from the overseas hikvision site. Normaly nothings wrong but here is my problem. I downloaded the DS-7104NI-SL version so...