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  1. Westy87

    Snapshot script for Dahua camera

    Just wanted to say I wish I saw this days ago before I went down the rabbit hole of trying to get scheduled snapshots from a camera. I realised I can run the wget command direct from cron on my NAS server and then access it over smb from my PC later to build a time lapse. /usr/local/bin/wget...
  2. Westy87

    Dahua NVR - Camera Timelapse and FTP

    Hi there! I have an NVR (DHI-NVR2108HS-8P-I2) with 5 Cameras connected (DH-IPC-HDW3666EMP-S-AUS). I have one overlooking my backyard which I've done a lot of work with planting trees etc recently and I had a thought that I'd love to get a camera taking a snapshot every hour during say 6am to...