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  1. H

    Help with image adjustment at night

    I can say that I’ve never touched the noise reduction on any of my cams. They’re all at the default 50%. Never really knew what it did.
  2. H

    Help with image adjustment at night

    Just for an education - which noise reduction should not be above 42 2d,3d or both. Is this a general rule for all cameras or just this particular situation?
  3. H

    I need more hobbies.. Working on a PVC post discrete camera housing... (a better birdhouse)

    I could be mistaken, I’ve read so much about this 3d printing thing that it’s all a blur. Edit- after a quick search it sure looks like PETG has decent UV resistance. ASA may be better but also seems to be harder to print with.
  4. H

    I need more hobbies.. Working on a PVC post discrete camera housing... (a better birdhouse)

    How much sunlight will your final product be it? Petg may not be the best choice for UV resistance. ASA might be a better choice. I printed a couple of wall mounts for fire tablets in Petg. Came out nice. Yes it’s dark in there. Printer doesn’t care, just the spectator. I haven’t added any...
  5. H

    I need more hobbies.. Working on a PVC post discrete camera housing... (a better birdhouse)

    What filament? I am constantly amazed at what the printer is capable of. I also find myself watching it work often.
  6. H

    I need more hobbies.. Working on a PVC post discrete camera housing... (a better birdhouse)

    BF pricing - $749 for the combo. I had a microcenter which was close enough so I made the drive. Luckily/unluckily the microcenter was in Paterson NJ, a 1/2 price sales tax zone. Paid cash with no shipping, just the 3% sales tax and the risk. I’ve been playing with tinkercad but haven’t gotten...
  7. H

    I need more hobbies.. Working on a PVC post discrete camera housing... (a better birdhouse)

    I just grabbed a P1S with AMS over Black Friday. I just started printing with it this week, had to build a space for the printer. I have only built a few things off maker world but it amazes me at what the P1S can do. It’s my 1st experience with a 3d printer. My biggest problem is the cad end...
  8. H

    Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry

    This is the last clip I'm going to post on this camera. I'll reach out to Andy at the beginning of the new year and see what he thinks. I believe he's vacationing with his family at the moment. Exposure here is 0-8.3 - Something is certainly not right. I'm at 40 to 45 feet from camera in this...
  9. H

    Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry

    I did get the 4K-X down and replaced with Z12E yesterday but didn't put the 4K up in a different position until late today. Lighting sucks, very overcast but it's not looking good for the 4 K camera. Very different scene, still blurry on the right side. Distance doesn't seem to matter. Take a...
  10. H


    Brave here too - no adds
  11. H

    This is gonna be expensive

    Car is running while he’s in the garage, throttle doesn’t seem stuck to me. I can see all the videos
  12. H

    This is gonna be expensive

    I would bet your insurance co is gonna fight that one…
  13. H

    This is gonna be expensive

    They must do things different in Texas. No such thing that I know of here in NJ. You’re allowed to borrow a car and be covered. If that title didn’t change hands then that’s a borrowed car.
  14. H

    This is gonna be expensive

    Gotta love uninsured drivers — seems there are lots of them around Sure looks and sounds like an intentional burnout on wet roads that went wrong. I guess it doesn’t really matter much being uninsured. Was the driver also the owner of the car?
  15. H

    Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry

    It's on a temporary mount. I could certainly pull that camera down easy enough. Andy is good to us. I would never chase after him for a refund on something I didn't confirm myself. Especially something as easy as this to confirm. Good idea, I'll pull it down tomorrow.
  16. H

    Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry

    A night view for reference... High Pressure Sodium street light right there.
  17. H

    Notice the Amazon strike?

    So I did see one Amazon delivery, all electric, van today while out and about. Normally would have seen 20 of them. I know my local UPS guys have been picking up the Amazon slack, driver and helper both hustling the other day. I told them Merry Christmas and take a breath. One another...
  18. H

    Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry

    Lots on here about blur close up. Nothing about blur on 1 side. I was hoping this cam would work up there, plenty of light from the streetlight on the pole across the street. Not so sure I’m going to keep it there… @EMPIRETECANDY - ever see this before?
  19. H

    Notice the Amazon strike?

    Definitely notice the lack of Amazon trucks on the roads. No Amazon trucks parking the wrong way, 8 feet from the curb, on a busy road. I do not miss them, although convenient, would not mind Amazon disappearing.
  20. H

    Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry

    So ROI was off, trying turning it on and drawing on the street. Not much noticeable change. It's on now. Maybe a Z4E forced to color would be a better fit up there. Already have 2 of them in other locations in service running IR at night. A Z12E is on hand and going up there for LPR duty shortly.
  21. H

    Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry

    What is or more importantly, where is “area of interest” setting? Upped the bitrate to max, 20480 - dropped the FPS to 10 Definitely better - maybe this is the wrong cam for this location
  22. H

    Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry

    I thought so too but isn't the 4k-x a fixed focus distance? There are no motors in there to move focus. Distance to driveway edge is about 40-45 feet.
  23. H

    Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry

    Some settings
  24. H

    Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry

    You guys are fast -- Added left side to 1st post Here is right side video
  25. H

    Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry

    What's going on here? I know these are known to have focus issues but seems I have half a screen out of whack. Left side of view is much more focused than right side view. Look at the stone driveway, can see stone on left, blur on right. Is this a bad camera or typical view? The lens is clean...
  26. H

    Teaser Info and Mini Review - Empiretech B52IR-X3 Triple Lens Camera

    That’s a lot of reversing… Curious to see how this performs.
  27. H

    'smart' high security house door locks

    Locks keep honest people honest. Unless you have no windows your locks don’t matter much.
  28. H

    2024 EmpireTech Thanksgiving Day Sales& Black Friday &Christmas Sales- Winter Sales

    Looks like I’ve got a 6th place random cam winner. Never know what you’re gonna get till the box shows up. I have to say, usually I don’t win squat with this type of thing. Andy’s lotteries are a different story though. I’ve been through 4 lotteries now, only got the wittaj luck for one of...
  29. H

    2024 EmpireTech Thanksgiving Day Sales& Black Friday &Christmas Sales- Winter Sales

    I'm pretty sure there are still 2 numbers to be drawn for the new 3 camera cam. Andy's turn to pick a couple numbers. It's not over yet... Andy, Thank you and your team once again for making this happen.
  30. H

    2024 EmpireTech Thanksgiving Day Sales& Black Friday &Christmas Sales- Winter Sales

    No sales tax from the website… but I guess that’s location dependent