Search results

  1. root

    DS-2DE3304W-DE - use curl to change image settings

    There's no option in the camera firmware itself. You can get a cheap WiFi/Lan power switch. If you're using a DDWRT router or something you can write custom scripts on you can easily set it up trigger a reset if it stops responding to ping or a curl fetch or something. Or you can just actuate...
  2. root

    DS-2DE3304W-DE - use curl to change image settings

    I can say in the 6+ months I've had mine I haven't had any lock ups or need to reboot it. Maybe a power fluctuation from your inverter left in it in limbo somehow?
  3. root

    DS-2DE3304W-DE - use curl to change image settings

    I wouldn't see why not, although streaming capability would depend on your 4G speed. I don't use iVMS since I run Linux, so I haven't tested this. I'd imagine the basic steps would be: 1) If you have a static external IP, find it. If not you may want to setup a DDNS service, either on the camera...
  4. root

    DS-2DE3304W-DE - use curl to change image settings

    If power efficiency is you goal, I can tell you how much power the DS-2DE3304W-DE draws from my switch. At idle on my 1080p profile, non network streaming, it draws about 3200mW on average. If you engage the PTZ it draws between 4500-6500mW depending on which motors are engaged simultaneously...
  5. root

    DS-2DE3304W-DE - use curl to change image settings

    I assume you mean TLS encryption for email authentication. Yes, both my PTZ DS-DE3304W-DE running firmware 5.4.8, and all my bullets DS-2CD2142FWD-I w/ firmware v5.4.1 have an option for TLS to send an email via smtp. I tested this just now with a gmail account using TLS smtp and it sent no...
  6. root

    DS-2DE3304W-DE - use curl to change image settings

    So I figured out the URL to get and push the config xml for the newer firmwares. IDK how I didn't try this the the other night, must've been tired: https://user:pass@camera/ISAPI/image/channels/1 was able to download a config xml, modify how i want, upload it back to the same url with curl -T...
  7. root

    DS-2DE3304W-DE - use curl to change image settings

    I just picked up this PTZ camera and it's pretty decent. Firmware version 5.4.8. I use an IR flood light next to it and it works great seeing with the built in ir filter; but the auto day/night mode is twitchy and everynight it switches back and forth a dozen times randomly. I have a few other...
  8. root

    2135/2145 and NTSC

    Thanks for the reply! So some do have it that's interesting. Maybe I'll try to find one with 5.2.5 then and see. Yeah I read it's really bulb dependant, I've only tested with a few different LEDs and haven't had issues - was just trying to avoid future/install problems. Do you have any that are...
  9. root

    2135/2145 and NTSC

    Do you know this for a fact or just repeating? Is it a hardware limitation or firmware? I know these Chinese sellers flash modified/us/multi-language firmware on it to whatever they like, so if it was just a firmware limitation maybe there is someone out there that has it working. I could...
  10. root

    2135/2145 and NTSC

    Hello, I've been trying to expand my old 2032 camera system with a couple domes. I've bought half a dozen 2135 and 2145 with firmwares 5.3.0 - 5.3.6 and none of them had the option for NTSC. I thought it was under Configuration -> Image -> Video Adjustment -> Video Standard. However, none have...