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    Send email snapshot triggered by telnet

    Hey for those who also is interested to make some automation with Hikvision cameras, I found a manual it can be downloaded from here: this site has much more useful materials, so it was very useful...
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    one more option is to use HTTP server-push notification available at http://camera-api/Event/notification/alertStream
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    Hi Steve, I found some integration documents here Also I wrote to hikvision support regarding SNMP documentation. I also was thinking that email as event will be my last option if nothing else is...
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    Send email snapshot triggered by telnet

    Hello hmjgriffon where did you get information how to get snapshot using HTTP api ? Is there any public manual with all possible features of HTTP api described ? thank you beforehand for the answer.
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    Hello guys! did any of you manage to get events through snmp ? I also looking for a way to get motion notification by snmp, and I am still only at the begining and have no clue which way to move. So if you managed to get some extra knowledge on that topic, please make a post and I believe many...