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  1. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    Update: It's November 12,2024 and system is still working. I've giving up on a new system till this one goes out.
  2. C

    Looking for a New NVR

    Hi, Thank you for your reply. In my mind the only reason considering the AcuSense NVR was added reliability, as mentioned I've always had problems with false alarms and thought perhaps an NVR with AcuSense would be better, but if the technology is already built into my cameras perhaps it is a...
  3. C

    Looking for a New NVR

    Current System: One Hikvision DS-7608NI-Q2/8P NVR Five Hikvision DS-2CD2087G2-L Cameras Looking to replace my current system due to age and also because it has developed a new bug that I don’t want to deal with anymore. Last one started occurring a week ago where the system appears to...
  4. C

    Glass Face on Camera Cracked

    I've had these guys in my house for years, nothing new. I'll be updating some more fun stuff soon. By the way, that last camera that went out last Wednesday has magically started working again. Going to give it some time, maybe a week. Stay turned. :nervous:
  5. C

    Glass Face on Camera Cracked

    Looks like good stuff, I may try it! Thanks
  6. C

    Glass Face on Camera Cracked

    Crack on one of the cameras was off to one side and was out of view of lens, so not recorded, the reason I found out about it was after a rain storm the image fogged up due to water getting inside. How long it was like that? My guess it happen between two to three weeks after the last lens...
  7. C

    Glass Face on Camera Cracked

    Hi Tony, I use Sprayway ammonia free glass cleaner sold at HomeDepot, the temperature thing I'm just picking at straws. While I was writing this my wife, who's sitting right behind me tells me to look at the security monitor and sure enough I got another F-ing security camera out! Dam It...
  8. C

    Glass Face on Camera Cracked

    Why ONLY distilled water? I know some glass cleaners have ammonia that may have bad effects on some surfaces but not on glass. Cleaner I use has no ammonia. Just curious why distill water only?
  9. C

    Glass Face on Camera Cracked

    Got six Hikvision DS-2CD2087G2-L Cameras and two of them developed a crack. Lucky for me it happened under warranty so they were replaced (Thank you Hikvision). Wondering if anyone else has had this problem? One thing that may have caused this is the way I clean the cameras, which is spray some...
  10. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    FIXED!! Plastic inserts worked! Checked main service panel and sub panel and found nothing out of the ordinary, so it’s still a bit of a mystery why I was getting voltages between camera and NVR when camera was mounted using stucco screws. Anyway all is looking good and i wish to thank everyone...
  11. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    Hi mat200, I've thought of a PoE switch but I'm not quite done with trying other options. I'll be taking the camera down again today, so I can run a few more test. If all goes well I'll reinstall, only this time I'm going to use plastic inserts as isolators, which I hope will eliminate my...
  12. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    Well it took a week!!!! I just looked at my monitor this morning and that same cameras is out! Looked at back of NVR and the yellow and green network lights are out. I did the same routine of disconnecting and reconnecting cable from NVR and camera with the same negative results. I think at this...
  13. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    That's too easy, try multidimensional wall space :smoking:
  14. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    So it’s been a few days and everything seems to working fine. Going over things I did find one thing that may be a problem. First I must explain that my home was built in the 50’s so most of the outlets are two wire with no ground, which I found the NVR is connected too (outlet was three prong...
  15. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    I'll be giving it a look see soon, I'm just glad it's working and definitely going to track this down. Thanks
  16. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    UP DATE! IT'S WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How I got it to work is all theory and speculation. But first I'll tell you I went back to square one taking the camera down, bringing inside, testing, and doing what everyone had suggested with ZERO results. Tugging, crimping wires, net work test, cable...
  17. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    Just giving an update I'll be removing camera a doing more testing shortly. Got family matter to attend too but want let everyone know I will be following your suggestions. Figures crossed!
  18. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    At this point friend, it's the only thing that makes sense :secret:
  19. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    Will be checking out your suggestion, got to be something simple I'm sure. Again Thank you and I'll keep everyone posted if I find the answer!!!
  20. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    Hi, as you can see in the picture the wires coming through the wall are the camera wire connections, they are straight and no pressure or tightness applied to them, the blue CAT6 cable wire is only six feet long and connected to the NVR (In total I've used five different cables ready made and...
  21. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    Sorry for the delay but I got more pressing things going on. Answer to your first question is yes it's the same type of cable I've been using through out my system, and yes all it is a cable that goes through the wall from the outside same hole into the room (per picture provided) NVR is four...
  22. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    I've got five working cameras and this is the sixth problem child. The other cable are routed in other directions into my attic and garage. Yes I have the right cables. Hikvision DS-7608NI-Q2/8P I've had it for over five plus years. I agree, Doubt it's EMF or EMI but if not what. I also failed...
  23. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    This doesn't happen over time, you know immediately, it either works or it doesn't, again it only happens when mounted in it's permanent location and not when I have camera in my hands and connecting indoors in office. You know camera is going to work when you plug it in and the security light...
  24. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    Yup! Been there done that! Thanks and Glad to be here!!
  25. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    I've made two DIY cables and ready made cables. Hard to believe that all five cables would be bad. I've also tried switching inputs on NVR and used different cameras with same results. It's down right maddening but not giving up, something is causing this and I'm determined to find out what it...
  26. C

    New Member in San Francisco Bayarea

    Hello everyone, I came here for one reason that I'm guessing will be one for the record books. Problem: Camera works find as long as it's not in it's permanent location. Where is the location you ask? I've got the camera mounted on a metal junction box on an outside wall, I cut a hole through...