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  1. F

    automatic resolution & framerate downgrade if footage is older than some threshhold

    RTSP works over internet, right??? The reason I don't think wireless would work well, is that internet, Wi-Fi, WLAN, whatever is very slow and sometimes cuts out completely where I live. Is there any way to do this wired or without the need for constant internet? again, I only did a few minutes...
  2. F

    automatic resolution & framerate downgrade if footage is older than some threshhold

    Again, thank you for your reply! sadly I do not have a RTX 4090 right now, but I will definitely see how much my current setup can do. I do have one more question: Assuming I had a computer that can handle these streams easily, how would I actually connect & wire this up? I'm assuming I'd have...
  3. F

    automatic resolution & framerate downgrade if footage is older than some threshhold

    Thank you for replying! How much is ~3400 megapixels / second? I'm sure not every computer can do something like that. But surely a high end GPU could do that? the RTX 4090 should be able to handle 8 4k, 60fps streams at once (apparently), so Ican only assume it achieves those numbers quite...
  4. F

    automatic resolution & framerate downgrade if footage is older than some threshhold

    Hey there! as you may guess, I am pretty new to surveillance stuff, and I didn't find any resources online, and god forbid I even asked chatgpt. So here's what i'm trying to do: Save the footage from about 6 cameras at 4k 30FPS (yes, I know this is probably way overkill) on some storage...