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  1. brad9dk32

    LPR refine settings

    Looks like the only other car that went by last night which was at 2:45am had readable plate it just wasn't found by , Another camera angle shows it was local police making rounds. So I'm close to what I can get with my limitations.
  2. brad9dk32

    LPR refine settings

    Yes, very readable during day.
  3. brad9dk32

    LPR refine settings

    I know the angle isn't ideal but any suggestions on improving this image? Is my shutter speed too low? Far IR Is at 100. If I increase shutter speed what else should I try adjusting? Thank you.
  4. brad9dk32

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Camera is IP8M-VB2696EW-AI Here is an example of photo that with explorer I get no license plate found but if I crop it to just the car, it finds the license plate and does OCR on it...
  5. brad9dk32

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Is anyone having an issue where with a 4k Camera is not detecting and reading plates even when they are visible if zooming a little on the image. However, If I crop the same 4k snapshot to just a smaller part of the same image, like just the vehicle and then use the