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  1. R

    POE wired Doorbell - what is the best one?

    Hi everyone, I'm looking to buy a POE doorbell that will automatically sync and hook into my NVR via ethernet. I'm not looking for a huge discussion but wondering what is the best one out there. The camera I have was so quick and easy, I plugged it into the back of my NVR and "boom" showed up...
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    Choosing Door bell camera

    EUFY has some good ones and the S330 is maybe a year or so old so it might be on a good sale now. It has built in local storage (not to an NVR) but definitely have a look at those. Hopefully this helps
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    P2P Safety & Secure?

    My thoughts exactly after reading it.
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    P2P Safety & Secure?

    Can anyone chime in? I was under the impression you didn't need to enable P2P to be able to get alerts on your phone, I thought you could leave P2P disabled and use a VPN?
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    P2P Safety & Secure?

    Yeah, I know plugging them in directly (POE in NVR) and just using a monitor will keep everything off the Internet. But I want to be able to see the cameras and alerts from the NVR to my phone. That's why I was asking if anyone has a good VPN video tutorial
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    P2P Safety & Secure?

    Okay, I thought maybe it was possible to forward everything through a cloud and then use your phone to attach keeping it off your home network. I know their would be a delay but wasn't sure if that was possible. Okay, so it's either VPN off your router or P2P for the DMSS app. Is there a good...
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    P2P Safety & Secure?

    I understand the risks if your NVR is on your 192.168 network but if your NVR isn't on your network and on a internal network, it's not possible to gain access to your LAN. It's completely separate and not attached in anyway. The only risk I think would be your phone that might be...
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    P2P Safety & Secure?

    Good morning everyone, I have watched a few Youtube videos as well read online and I am very conflicted if I should use P2P vs. a VPN from my router (looks a lot harder to setup). What is everyone's thoughts on this? I would like to get notifications on my phone through DMSS, is this...
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    IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3 - Not recording every second

    Hi @wittaj I captured a few screen shots from both GUI and NVR settings (below). I'm not sure if this is configured correctly, is there something I need to change so it's not leaving that 2-3 second gap in continuously recording.
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    IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3 - Not recording every second

    Thanks for the quick reply, not sure about MD and IVS being on at the same time, I will go in this afternoon to make sure they are not. I am using an NVR model NVR8CH-8P-2AI. Thanks for your assistance
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    IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3 - Not recording every second

    Has anyone ran into an issue when the camera doesn't record every second. Sometimes my camera will jump 2 or 3 seconds and doesn't record continuously. So when a vehicle is driving down the road it will pick it up about 3 houses away and then won't pick it up until after it's passed. Does...
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    Asus Router 68U OpenVPN Setup issues :/

    Awesome, I will give this a try. I didn't see anywhere online or in the forums to change this to SHA 1 or SHA 256
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    Asus Router 68U OpenVPN Setup issues :/

    Hello, yeah that's how I am doing it. On the ASUS 68U you have to export a file (attached picture) and then email it to my phone and then import it into OPEN VPN
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    Asus Router 68U OpenVPN Setup issues :/

    That's funny, I have that same router as well on my other network. Yeah 50.1 for that router. I wonder if it's a limitation on the ASUS 68u
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    Asus Router 68U OpenVPN Setup issues :/

    okay yeah, that's what I have done. That's the same as
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    Asus Router 68U OpenVPN Setup issues :/

    Tried with 2 phone (even turned off mobile data and was only on wifi) I don't think you can get to an ASUS router 68U through a phone. It doesn't have an app like the newer routers.
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    Asus Router 68U OpenVPN Setup issues :/

    Thanks for responding @camarolt1guy. In your reply you stated to use wifi to log into my router through my phone. I'm thinking you mean open a browser and go to and log in with my phone? Both of the tutorials mention to email the .ovpn file to my phone and open the file with OPEN...
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    Asus Router 68U OpenVPN Setup issues :/

    Interesting. Thanks for letting me know, I am trying with Apple but I'm thinking Merlin won't be my answer. Did you purchase a new router and did you get it to work?
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    Asus Router 68U OpenVPN Setup issues :/

    Few questions: I’m installing a VPN on my Asus router 68U and I have followed this document [VPN] How to set up a VPN server on ASUS router – OpenVPN | Official Support | ASUS Canada I installed OpenVPN on my iphone and emailed the config file client.ovpn into the OpenVPN app and the error I...
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    Empire Tech IPC-T54IR-ZE-SE (camera) and NVR8CH-8P-2AI (NVR)

    Hi everyone, What is the best mobile app I can use with these 2 pieces of equipment so I am notified and sent alerts on motion etc.