Search results

  1. M

    AI Cameras for Community Security

    A few things to reply to. Again, there are only two roads leading into our area, and we are thinking of 1 camera in each direction at each location (for a total of 4 cameras). We do not expect to be the solution to every issue, but are trying to add information to the area law enforcement...
  2. M

    AI Cameras for Community Security

    I looked at his listings, and nothing seems to match up with Dahua. Do they rebrand things?
  3. M

    AI Cameras for Community Security

    Thanks for your thoughts. Along the lines of what you said as far as AI search. If we have a narrowed time frame, it becomes much more of a possibility. I looked at the Turing AI search on a local vendors website, and there were similar options. Someone that was originally making suggestions...
  4. M

    AI Cameras for Community Security

    I have been asked to seek out some recommendations for security cameras for our community crime watch organization. Initially, we want to cover traffic in both directions on the two roads that lead into the area (so 4 cameras total). We were first targeting cameras and systems with LPR (such as...
  5. M

    New introduction

    Came across this forum when searching for independent opitions on security systems. I have been tasked with finding recommendations for our local crime watch group, seeking systems with AI search capability for our area (monitoring two entry points). Hopefully I can get some good guidance here.