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  1. S

    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    A 1500W UPS would be complete overkill for the kit I'm considering and would deffo be way out of budget for me. Even the 1500VA models (which I believe are roughly 900W) are a tad expensive for a well-known make but your experience of run-time has made me think about using a separate NVR. As...
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    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    For gods sake, I need some new glasses :banghead: . I didn't even notice that model didn't have IR ! Note to self.....STOP SPEED READING :lol: Thanks for the heads-up on the Annke @rdxny, I'll keep an eye out (with clean glasses on !) for them. Cheers @looney2ns I thought of the dome camera...
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    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    Tks @wittaj I will send him a PM and see what his response is. I'm thinking along the lines of two of THESE models, two of THESE models and one of THESE models (if they aren't excessively expensive once shipped) to cover the five points on my plan. Look OK to you ? I'll report back on whatever...
  4. S

    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    OH NO....A WESSIE :lmao: You lads don't know Fisn n Chips 'till you've had some chip spice from 'ULL :thumb: Seriously though, I've seen reviews for amcrest and they ain't good :thumbdown:. Mebbe it's just the customer service they fall down on and the products are OK ? At least it's another...
  5. S

    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    Hi @mat200 I've seen the site store and also references to the user @EMPIRETECANDY selling kit but I think (going on past experiences with buying bike bits through a mate stateside) that although the international shipping costs are more than reasonable, the UK's crazy import charges would...
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    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    Very good explanation and one I agree with 100%. Tbh I had never really considered getting a cctv setup as there's very rarely ever nobody in my house. However, this does give a false sense of security as it only takes the one couple of hours away for some low-life to strike and cause loads of...
  7. S

    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    Tbh I've had my cheapo VIX 3065 650VA UPS for about 7 years & it's on it's 3rd battery but hasn't missed a beat. If I went the BI separate rig vms route, I was considering just upgrading to a larger model from that manufacturer of about 1500VA like you suggest. I suppose there's always the...
  8. S

    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    Yeah, it's the night-time recordings that I would be more interested in than daylight due to the reasons I posted above. Daytime I'm not half as bothered about capturing anything as I can virtually guarantee if there was anything dodgy going on, one of my neighbours would be out straight away...
  9. S

    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    I guess that is one of the main problems with the Reolink cameras then. Not good really I suppose as lowlight is more often than not when, shall we say most illegal activity would be taking place. Especially where I live as I'm on a small cul-de-sac with only 8 bungalows on it and there's 100%...
  10. S

    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    So, now it's been established I'd be better-off getting a separate PC to use as a vms, can anyone comment on whether I'd be making a massive mistake buying Reolink Gear ? They appesr to be working fine at my mates house so ?????
  11. S

    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    Thanks @mat200 . I've seen some of the threads about buying used rigs for vms. I just wondered if my current rig would support adding my CCTV to it. It does mkae sense I suppose to have a separate PC for the CCTV and they are fairly cheap ;) . After @looney2ns reply to my introduction thread...
  12. S

    N00B Oldie from the gentle with me :-)

    Ouch !! I've just posted what I propose to do at my house before I spotted your reply so I expect to get a little errr......advice from that thread :lol: Well, that's what these forums are for in my book, educating the uninitiated ;)
  13. S

    New to CCTV - Can you give me an honest opinion on my plan please ?

    Hi all. I’ve decided I would like to get a CCTV system installed at my house after fitting one for a mate of mine. However, where I live, we suffer from regular power cuts (sometimes 30 mins or more) and the Mains voltage figure is errmm “variable” to say the least so after browsing a fair bit...
  14. S

    N00B Oldie from the gentle with me :-)

    Hi all. :wave: Just registered as I'm gonna be getting myself sorted with a CCTV system for home in the near future after fitting a Reolink system for a mate at his house and being well impressed with it. :D I'm not an installer in any way shape or fashion (ex BT Cable Jointer) but he'd...