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  1. L

    Hikvision NVR DS-7808N-E2/8P Chinese to English Conversion - Which firmware?

    The file is correct , the firewall is disabled , the antivirus off , win7 , the computer is connected to a router , nvr connected to the router . After the recorder has ceased to be included 3.4.6 firmware loaded again, and he made again in Chinese
  2. L

    Upgrading beyond 3.4.0 on a Chinese (lang 2) HV NVR

    With chrome could not go to the link , I went with IE. Thanks I will try.
  3. L

    Hikvision NVR DS-7808N-E2/8P Chinese to English Conversion - Which firmware?

    I try to load the firmware, but none of these firmware not approached or via WEB or via tftp. Then I tried the 3.4.0 firmware and now my nvr beeps and restarts.
  4. L


    And you are welcome
  5. L

    Upgrading beyond 3.4.0 on a Chinese (lang 2) HV NVR

    I can not go to this link (Incorrect format for file ./languages/ru.txt on line 1. Format is "variable name[tab]value")
  6. L

    Hikvision NVR DS-7808N-E2/8P Chinese to English Conversion - Which firmware?

    I have a similar problem with the DS-7804N-E1 / 4P. I think our only way out of this situation is to go back to the old firmware ( 3.0.8 or 3.0.10 ) If anyone has the firmware please give a link .
  7. L

    Upgrading beyond 3.4.0 on a Chinese (lang 2) HV NVR

    Good afternoon. I have a NVR DS7804N-E1 / 4P ordered from AliExpress. I updated the firmware v3.4.6 build160405 and he was Chinese. Which firmware has been I do not know . Tried to change the language through hiktools, it does not work. If someone has earlier firmware with English please share .
  8. L


    I am from Belarus. At the forum I was in search of the firmware for the Chinese nvr DS7804N-E1 / 4P. I hope to help the community