Search results

  1. kurdking

    HikVision DS-K1T804AMF - ISAPI AccessControl Event Retrieval Fails with "Invalid Content" Error

    sorry, but im a bit confused, ISAPI,cloud based solution, Hik partner pro sdk which is for what? i have two use cased, either there is a department where their access control devices are localized, or the devices are scattered across multiple remote places. further more, how can I access the...
  2. kurdking

    HikVision DS-K1T804AMF - ISAPI AccessControl Event Retrieval Fails with "Invalid Content" Error

    Oh very interesting, well done! so is this still the ISAPI? the one I'm using is not cloud or VPN, am just directly accessing the ISAPI using the devices IP. i have followed this: Intelligent Security API (Access Control on Person) Developer Guide but I'm having general problems, some routes...
  3. kurdking

    HikVision DS-K1T804AMF - ISAPI AccessControl Event Retrieval Fails with "Invalid Content" Error

    here is the device info : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<DeviceInfo xmlns="" version="2.0"> <deviceName>T&A Access Controller</deviceName> <deviceID>255</deviceID> <model>DS-K1T804AMF</model> <serialNumber>F44711929</serialNumber>...
  4. kurdking

    HikVision DS-K1T804AMF - ISAPI AccessControl Event Retrieval Fails with "Invalid Content" Error

    here is the capablitity for GetEvent: { "AcsEvent": { "AcsEventCond": { "searchID": { "@min": 1, "@max": 20 }, "searchResultPosition": { "@min": 0, "@max": 100000 }, "maxResults": { "@min": 1, "@max": 10 }...
  5. kurdking

    HikVision DS-K1T804AMF - ISAPI AccessControl Event Retrieval Fails with "Invalid Content" Error

    Here my new request: {"AcsEventCond":{"searchID":"40e4ccc6-d819-4a57-b5fa-10591c9997d8","searchResultPosition":0,"maxResults":10,"major":5,"startTime":"2025-01-27T08:44:18\u002B00:00","endTime":"2025-01-28T08:44:18\u002B00:00"}} but still getting the same, Invalid Content,bad parameter,
  6. kurdking

    HikVision DS-K1T804AMF - ISAPI AccessControl Event Retrieval Fails with "Invalid Content" Error

    Just for info, i have another HikVision model : DS-K1T642M , same request works with no problem
  7. kurdking

    HikVision DS-K1T804AMF - ISAPI AccessControl Event Retrieval Fails with "Invalid Content" Error

    I'm attempting to retrieve access control events from a HikVision DS-K1T804AMF terminal using the ISAPI endpoint: URL: POSTAuthentication: Digest Request Body: { "AcsEventCond": { "searchID"...