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  1. B

    Upgrade to v4?

    Oh that's excellent news. I did not expect it would be a parallel install. I expected it would overwrite V3. Thank you!
  2. B

    Upgrade to v4?

    Thanks. Does the install usually go smoothly and configuration and settings are automatically inherited from the V3 installation? I'm hesitant to damage a very well functioning setup and then have to spend hours re configuring everything...
  3. B

    Upgrade to v4?

    Thanks for your reply. Google says my laptop's Intel i5 does have Quick Sync, so that's a bonus.
  4. B

    Upgrade to v4?

    Hi All, I have been using BI3 for a number of years and am very pleased with it. When v4 came along, I remember reading that some users reported that it was quite resource greedy and I chose not to upgrade at the time. My dedicated laptop happily ran 8 cams previously, now I'm only using 4 on...