I have some installed inside which is the older model without the seal (PFA136), while the exterior gets the new weatherproof PFA130-E and PFA121.
Shipping from Andy from EMPIRETECANDY was surprisingly quick from China since I placed an order with him right when they were released. It took...
I was considering that however went ahead and ordered the aluminum Dahua junction boxes. The home depot ones I did not like because the mounting ears were on the outside. Furthermore, it looks like the Dahua boxes are all mounted with 4 screws whereas the Homedepot one only has 2. Weight...
I am currently trying to set up some Dahua cameras using just a Laptop+Blue Iris connected to a POE Switch which is then connected to all the cameras (no router involved). Essentially, I am trying emulate an off the shelf NVR, where everything pertaining to video surveillance happens in its own...