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  1. J

    Thank you! What version of Teamviewer do you use?

    Thank you! What version of Teamviewer do you use?
  2. J

    Hello, you were helping me in a thread with my JVC cameras. I am still having trouble. With...

    Hello, you were helping me in a thread with my JVC cameras. I am still having trouble. With what I posted do you think that the cameras will work? I am going to sell them if they are ultimately not compatible. Also, do you offer any type of pay for service where I can hire you to log on and...
  3. J

    Can't Add JVC VNH257VPU

    I did try putting the string rtsp:// into the path field under Video but that didn't work. I tried it on the generic camera after hitting find/inspect as well as on each JVC camera listed (which is 6). Some of the JVC cameras came back with 400 bad...
  4. J

    Can't Add JVC VNH257VPU

    Would the additional information I posted help anyone suggest another option? Thanks for the time.
  5. J

    Can't Add JVC VNH257VPU

    Missed this one
  6. J

    Can't Add JVC VNH257VPU

    Under JVC there are only 6 cameras. I tried them all with no luck. If this helps here are the two pieces of information that post you referenced asked to check. Thank you again.
  7. J

    Can't Add JVC VNH257VPU

    80 did not work. Changed the error to I/O error. I will download the manager and post results. Thank you.
  8. J

    Can't Add JVC VNH257VPU

    Here are the settings from BI
  9. J

    Can't Add JVC VNH257VPU

    When you say in your camera do you mean when accessing it through a browser and looking at the settings? If so I have attached a screenshot of the settings but dont see anything that says RTSP. If you mean in BI then it is 554
  10. J

    Can't Add JVC VNH257VPU

    Putting :80 at then end came back with the same results. I can post here if you would like but comparing them it looks like the only difference is the date and time.
  11. J

    Can't Add JVC VNH257VPU

    I have read through a lot of the threads on here and still can't seem to figure out my issue. I am attempting to add a camera to my BI system. I can access the camera on my laptop by visiting the cameras IP address and putting in the credentials. When I attempt to add the camera to BI I put...
  12. J

    Choppy Playback on Motion

    Hello all and thanks for the information thus far. I am having some trouble getting a smooth playback when I have cameras set to trigger on motion. The recording has a choppy, pixel distortion look to it when playing back. When I set the camera to record continuously the recording playback is...