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  1. B

    Possible to connect directly to a Yeskamo stream?

    Thank Bob. I will test that when I have time and report back.
  2. B

    Possible to connect directly to a Yeskamo stream?

    But how do you get to the cameras directly? In my (default) setup the cameras are connected to the NVR on its own separate IP subnet that is different from my home LAN. That is, I can reach the NVR from my LAN but not the cameras.
  3. B

    Snapshot URL to Yeskamo IP camera or NVR

    Didn't work with these channel numbers either, same response as above. Close but not there yet... Thanks for your effort Umut. :)
  4. B

    Snapshot URL to Yeskamo IP camera or NVR

    This one was the first that actually gave something else than a 404 response! :thumb: curl -v "http://admin:<pass>@" * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to ( port 80 (#0) * Server auth...
  5. B

    Snapshot URL to Yeskamo IP camera or NVR

    This is the login page. looks pretty generic... URL is ""
  6. B

    Snapshot URL to Yeskamo IP camera or NVR

    Not working...
  7. B

    Snapshot URL to Yeskamo IP camera or NVR

    Sorry for the formatting above, not used to this editor... ~$ curl -v "http://admin:<pass>@" * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to ( port 80 (#0) * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin' >...
  8. B

    Snapshot URL to Yeskamo IP camera or NVR

    @TonyR Yes I have tried a number of these. Essentially they all give this response --- ~$ curl -v "http://admin:<pass>@" Trying TCP_NODELAY set Connected to ( port 80 (#0) Server auth using Basic...
  9. B

    Snapshot URL to Yeskamo IP camera or NVR

    Here is a screenshot. No camera image as you can see though...
  10. B

    Snapshot URL to Yeskamo IP camera or NVR

    Yes it has a web GUI on port 80 on local LAN (IP cams are on a separate LAN controlled by the NVR). The web GUI looks similar to the one I have for Hikvision but it doesn't seems fully functional, at least not out of the box. It is not documented in their manuals either, refer to a mobile app...
  11. B

    Snapshot URL to Yeskamo IP camera or NVR

    Have a Yeskamo system with NVR and 4 IP cams attached. Anybody know of an URL to get a snapshot via HTTP for this system?
  12. B

    Linux script for motion detect and snapshot?

    Maybe the API has changed in your version 20? I get the following output <IOPortStatus xmlns="" version="1.0"> <ioPortID>1</ioPortID> <ioPortType>output</ioPortType> <ioState>inactive</ioState> </IOPortStatus>
  13. B

    Linux script for motion detect and snapshot?

    Something like curl -o `date +%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S`snap.jpg http://<username>:<password>@<ip address>/Streaming/channels/1/picture Saves a snapshot as a jpg image with current date and time as filename
  14. B

    Linux script for motion detect and snapshot?

    OK, thanks all, I'm up and running now. The two API commands needed where http://<username>:<password>@<ip address>/IO/outputs/1/status and http://<username>:<password>@<ip address>/Streaming/channels/1/picture You configure (from the web interface) motion detection (in my case I used the...
  15. B

    Linux script for motion detect and snapshot?

    Thanks, but I still wan't to do the script. Represents a small effort that is easy to tweak to my likings. Yes I get quite a lot of false detections but is OK for my use.
  16. B

    Linux script for motion detect and snapshot?

    Please bear with me, but what is "Bi motion" and PIR?
  17. B

    Linux script for motion detect and snapshot?

    Hi, new to this forum. Before I dig in to this myself I would like to ask if anybody has done this before: Would like to have a simple script for doing the following 1. By polling the camera (or by camera triggered action?) detect motion 2. Upon detection of motion, request a snapshot from the...