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  1. N

    Working with the Timeline --- another NOOB query

    Here is an example at maximum timeline resolution. The first screenshot shows the last frame of an event that occurred at 3:18:35 AM. Advancing one frame shows the next event which occurs at 6:09:44 AM. Even though nearly three hours have elapsed with no triggered events for this camera, the...
  2. N

    Working with the Timeline --- another NOOB query

    I'm seeing the same thing - check out this post: There are gaps but they don't appear nearly often enough to accurately indicate trigger events and idle time. For example, there was not continuous recording at 4AM as shown below: Thanks!
  3. N

    BI ver x64 Time Line shows activity when cams are idle?

    Greetings All, I've been using version 4 for a couple weeks and am generally quite impressed. Thanks Ken! The time line is a great way to summarize activity on infrequently triggered cameras. But, I am confused about something: Why is a continuous time line generated for a camera that is only...