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  1. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Mask the area in the back in Blue Iris, so it only detects motion on your property. Deepstack has a separate mask for where it looks for people (or whatever you set). Make that mask see a larger area so it can identify the person at the door. This way you only analyze images when there is...
  2. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    The only thing I can think of to improve your situation is to set a mask on the first Blue Iris camera to only detect motion in the very small area that is your porch. When people step onto the porch it will generate the picture that the AI will then process. Then unmask enough of the...
  3. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Well you could skip the mask and have deepstack only detect people. The people in your driveway have to get out of their cars eventually, right? I've even had mine detect people through the front windshield sometimes.
  4. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Yes. You can create a mask .png file with your car parking space blocked off so it will ignore your car when doing the object detection. The instructions to do that are in the first post of this thread.
  5. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    The latest version of Blue Iris 5 added substream optimization. If you set up your camera with the Main stream and also put in the url for the Sub stream then Blue Iris will use the sub stream to do all the motion processing and live viewing. I still needed to clone those cameras to a hidden...
  6. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I have it on Auto so it is in IR mode. The front porch does have a porch light on a timer all night so I could probably put that one on forced color mode and get decent video. My other cameras aren't near lights so I need IR, but they seem to perform much better than the front porch cam. The...
  7. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I think most people run it on another computer (or another VM in my case). I would guess a vast majority of the installs are Docker containers on some Linux variant, but even if you are in the minority that runs Docker on Windows the DeepStack container would have its own IP address and not...
  8. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Mostly missed completely (false alerts), although a couple where it identified me as a dog (40%). I had only set up my front door camera (DS-2CD2342WD-I) before which is mounted above and to the left of the porch so not as much contrast in night view between people and the ground I guess. I...
  9. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I was seeing very poor detection performance at night just like @morten67 above. I have my confidence interval set from 10% - 100%. I'd still say it misses on over half my front door triggers, but is almost perfect in daylight. Do you have any other pointers on getting night detection to work...
  10. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I did not get the API-key field in my docker image install, which is working and it is the one I am currently using. I did get asked for a key for the Windows installation, but once I figured out the AVX issue I abandoned that one and went back to working with the docker container.
  11. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    The DeepStack release notes from April last year I believe support my theory above: New Features, Performance Improvements and More With DeepStack 3.4 Specifically this section:
  12. nstig8

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I had this same issue that a few people have been having running in a VM in Proxmox, actually 2 VMs - the Linux one I use for Docker and then the Windows one I use for Blue Iris. I finally figured it out. It is because the default processor type for VMs is kvm64 which does not have support for...
  13. nstig8

    Version 4 (x64) crashes - reproducable

    Not sure I can help anymore. My foscam-related crash issues were resolved as of My CPU usage is back to normal as of I actually uninstalled BI 3 completely after since all my issued had been addressed. Zxel is still having crash issues with his Foscam clone, so...
  14. nstig8

    Version 4 (x64) crashes - reproducable

    The problem has been fixed with my Foscams and audio since with no crashes since I got that update and re-enabled audio recording. I am noticing roughly double the CPU usage with the recent two updates, but that is a different issue. I have the CPU cycles to spare on this machine, so...
  15. nstig8

    Version 4 (x64) crashes - reproducable

    I disabled audio recording in Blue Iris, not the audio on my Foscams - so I can still get audio through other apps like IP Cam Viewer on my phone. No crashes all day today.
  16. nstig8

    Version 4 (x64) crashes - reproducable

    Ken sent me an email that version 24 he is switching back to MP3 for audio rather than AAC. He thinks that will be more stable. It is very possible the audio is causing my crashes. My Foscams have audio and the other cameras do not.
  17. nstig8

    Version 4 (x64) crashes - reproducable

    Unfortunately there were two more crashes tonight when the baby woke up for her midnight feeding. Oh well. The light was on so maybe the additional bandwidth was enough to cause it. Each crash left a 0kb file with a permanent red triangle around it in the "Clips" pane. The...
  18. nstig8

    Version 4 (x64) crashes - reproducable

    No crashes after an hour of bedtime routine stuff. You may have solved it with the 64 bit C++ Redistributable idea. If it doesn't crash in the morning when both cameras are in color mode I'll consider it fixed and let Ken know.
  19. nstig8

    Version 4 (x64) crashes - reproducable

    Just installed the 64 bit C++ files and restarted my Blue Iris service. I will find out if it works or not when I put my son to bed in a few minutes. BI was crashing like crazy while my wife put the baby to bed. Those are the two rooms with the wifi Foscams that give me issues. I have BI...
  20. nstig8

    Version 4 (x64) crashes - reproducable

    Ken emailed me today to ask for access to one of the cameras that causes my crashes. I gave him access and also included Zxel's better description of when the crashes occur. I also gave him the link to this thread. Hopefully he is able to figure out the root cause and fix it.
  21. nstig8

    Version 4 (x64) crashes - reproducable

    Okay, I sent my info off as-is. I'll post back if I get any type of a reply.
  22. nstig8

    Version 4 (x64) crashes - reproducable

    Also, every time it crashes I get a 0 second, 0 size video clip in the clip viewer with the red rectangle around it that never goes away. I can't play the clip in BI because it thinks the mp4 is still recording, when in fact the application has already crashed and been restarted by the windows...
  23. nstig8

    Version 4 (x64) crashes - reproducable

    I upgraded to Version 4 (64 bit) and have had intermittent Blue Iris crashes ever since. I changed it to run as a Windows service so that it would re-launch itself after a crash and that has been "good enough" to not go back to v3. However, tonight I was upgrading the firmware on my 3 Foscams...