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    I keep getting "Nothing Found"

    Isn’t the downgrade a bit of a pain.
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    Reinstall full BI

    Hi, been round here a while, my current BI v5 setup seems to have gained a few niggles over time with upgrading, I have a good tweaked setup and am wanting to reinstall then just import my config, can I just do a full install from main BI software page or should I export then uninstall my...
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    I keep getting "Nothing Found"

    Same here, unchecked and worked.
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    Push: failed 80090328 to iPhone, check security exemptions and service Login

    Same here, Ken knows about this. Thanks
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    Mobile zoom

    Ha, sorted now with today’s update, also my hi res cams are not freezing in app. Cheers
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    Mobile zoom

    Ha yes ios 16 Mobile app ver 2.03.05
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    Mobile zoom

    Latest mobile app update, the double tap to zoom not working, now just switches between full screen, is this a bug or by design. Thanks
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    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    EDIT, reverted back to 1.5.0 and working now although the green start boxes are not showing in the local 5000 page, just says initialising, but it is showing online and is analysing, and nothing much shows in the AI explorer window. At least its working again now, must be an update problem.
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    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Having same problem here, exactly like @Dave Lonsdale above, was all running solid up to the point where i decided to update CodeProject, then same problems, all running but the nothing found, even on default and all models, i can see AI running on local5000, a bit lost like Dave, and have been...
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    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Hi, i know that if triggered then AI will start at either the trigger time or pre-trigger time, via the check box, but my question is once AI starts analysing for eg, 6 images every 500ms = 3seconds in total, does AI stop looking for things after the 3 seconds if the original trigger is still...
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    The Power of Bitcoin

    is there any point me mining with my 1650, on myBI rig, may as well make use of the spare.
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    GTX 980ti ok for Deepstack GPU

    As title. Thanks
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    IP Cam Talk Custom Community DeepStack Model

    Could be will check later, does that have the dark in it too. Thanks
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    IP Cam Talk Custom Community DeepStack Model

    I have 3 models, dark, animal and general but when I am testing it also shows combined in the left hand pane on the AI window. I don't have combined in my models. @MikeLud1 can you put the older person, cat and dog model back up please, I know its an older one but I and some people might still...
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    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Be nice if we could create our own custom models, i'm in UK so all we have are cats, dogs and maybe the odd squirrel.
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    IP Cam Talk Custom Community DeepStack Model

    When I reinstall DS for GPU, will it auto start with BI like the CPU one did. Thanks
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    IP Cam Talk Custom Community DeepStack Model

    Why are you cloning the cameras for DS
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    IP Cam Talk Custom Community DeepStack Model

    @sebastiantombs what settings you running on DS for the amount of images and times, I have similar setup as you and getting a gpu to take the load off the cpu. Thanks
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    Review: EZVIZ DB1C

    Been running 5.0.0. for a while via Testflight, beta testing, went back to original after trouble with the app not receiving incoming call, hopefully they have resolved this in 5.0.1.
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    Review: EZVIZ DB1C

    Hi these are myn, i have a mesh too, TPlink one, got the Ezviz on the 5Ghz onto my Sky hub by itself and is fairly stable if not very stable, show low signal in Ezviz app but never seems to drop connection like it did on 2.4Ghz. The bottom one is the clone for the 24hr record.
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    Review: EZVIZ DB1C

    Yeah myn had QR code on front cover but no passcode, far East folk for ya.
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    Review: EZVIZ DB1C

    Not that i am aware off, there no Onvif yet, which would help a lot with things, keep sending them emails pestering for it, it does use IFTTT which through you could get BI to take snapshot, haven't gone into that side to deep yet.
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    Review: EZVIZ DB1C

    It's a bit different on DB1C the app seems to generate the QR code and you show it to the doorbell camera and sets up from there, at that point when you got QR on phone screen it also shows you the passcode/key.
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    Review: EZVIZ DB1C

    You have to go into the EZVIZ app on the about page, device qr code and press the eyelash thing to show password.
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    Review: EZVIZ DB1C

    Anybody have trouble if power goes to the doorbell, although it does reboot and connect back onto my network and BI can see it, the Ezviz app shows it as offline. And does anyone fancy trying to put the DB1 Hikvision onvif firmware onto there DB1C for a laugh, keep wondering myself, onvif would...
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    24/7 Recording

    Thanks @fenderman
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    24/7 Recording

    Yes got the search, i know i could just continuously record the sub-stream then on any motion, trigger the main stream to record, but seen as my main stream is trigger recording maybe 75% of the time, i wondered if i could maybe reverse this process to save HDD space, so rather than have an 100%...
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    24/7 Recording

    Hi, i have one of my 6mp Hikvison setup fairly sensitive to record which i am happy with, i would like to be able to record the sub-stream of the same camera whist the main stream is not triggered, i this possible and if so how. Thanks
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    New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera

    Put a Sandisk Ultra in my one, after i tried 3 other good cards it was the only one that would initialise. Seems to me like must have high end super fast and legit cards in it.