Search results

  1. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris UI3

    Getting the following error in ui3 when I full screen a specific camera (Live View) from a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 (SM-X200). Error: PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: MEDIA_ERR_DECODE Current H.264 player is HTML5. I tried the other options and no success for this specific camera. If I set the...
  2. Philip Gonzales

    Warning ! BI update will corrupt your database and will lose alerts.

    I'm running (I like to live dangerously!) , with no issues with alerts. I did have the issue with and blew away everything in the db folder of blue iris. I also blew away all my video, alerts, etc folders for good measure but is likely overkill. I would just blow away the...
  3. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris Clips and Files - Disk Usage Utility

    Ah actually I am a dummy. I see the duplicates above now. Failed QA! That's an easy fix, just asked ChatGPT to fix it, this time foreal. Apologies if I come off as rude. I dabble a little in the copy and paste so I think I know a thing or two. I know just enough to be dangerous. Do with...
  4. Philip Gonzales

    I screwed up unchecked web access

    Sorry, I'm not familiar. I don't have nor have ever had an NVR nor have I ever used SADP. I did however find two sets of steps below. Not sure if you've already tried the below, but figured it may be worth sharing...
  5. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris Clips and Files - Disk Usage Utility

    Sweet, purposely removed the environment variable and got the below error on execution. ERR/this script's path 'C:\Scripts' does not exist in the Environment System Path variable. I took it a step further and asked ChatGPT to fix it up and it seems to have done an OK job to me (I am no...
  6. Philip Gonzales

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Sounds like a crappy app/server software. Blue Iris for the win! I'm sure @fenderman would get a kick out of that lol. Regards, Philip
  7. Philip Gonzales

    I screwed up unchecked web access

    Did you hold the RST button for at least 30 seconds? Heck try for 60 or longer while it's powered on. Maybe run a continously ping... it should start dropping pings when it's rebooting for the reset. Ping -t in Windows. Just an idea.
  8. Philip Gonzales

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Are you confirming it works? JW, I don't have an ios device to test on. I think it should be "googlechrome:/ /" (no space between the /'s) and not "googlechrome:/", although I suspect both ways may work.
  9. Philip Gonzales

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Seems like you already have a potential solution? Did you try the below? "url=googlechrome:/<IP>: <Port>/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB&maximize=1" What I do instead is use DNS, and have split DNS setup so the DNS name resolves to an internal IP when I'm home and an external IP when I'm not. Instead...
  10. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris Clips and Files - Disk Usage Utility

    Aha! The problem was with question 3. Apologies, I wasn't aware that this was required. I even tested with explicitly changing directory in PowerShell ISE to C:\Scripts before running. TBH, I just created the directory yesterday after finding your script. It was late and I should have been...
  11. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris Clips and Files - Disk Usage Utility

    Maybe I missed a really simple step here but I downloaded the V5 version of the script, but every time I ran it, I got the following error. ERR/failed to load user settings file 'BI_clip_usage_user_settings.ps1' Tip: try executing it directly to confirm it exists and reveal syntax errors I...
  12. Philip Gonzales

    Warning ! BI update will corrupt your database and will lose alerts.

    Since I'm not sentimental about my data in the slightest, what I did after rolling back is deleting everything in the DB folder, alerts folder, and new folder. I don't use the stored folder. Probably overkill but ehh, then I ran a dbcompact manually and validated I didn't have any issues. All...
  13. Philip Gonzales

    Warning ! BI update will corrupt your database and will lose alerts.

    Just experienced the same. Not worried about any data loss. It's a pain because it causes Blue Iris to just go in a loop of trying to do a dbcompact and Blue Iris unexpectedly shutting down. Lol guess that's the cost of being on the bleeding edge.
  14. Philip Gonzales

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Thanks! Also thank you @David L . Much appreciated. We'll see how it looks tomorrow but already looke like a big improvement from the default.
  15. Philip Gonzales

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Anyone have any good tips/tweaks for dark faces? I know a lot of it depends on the situation but def one area I'm struggling with a bit.
  16. Philip Gonzales

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Just curious, Below, what does &maximize=1 do? I only ask because I dont have that parameter or what not in my command so wss just wondering if im missing out. Lol rec=&ALERT_DB&maximize=1"
  17. Philip Gonzales

    AI Capture Fails!

  18. Philip Gonzales

    Camera playback @ 1x speed is very slow and choppy, then super fast, then slow and choppy. Settings issue?

    Hardwired or bust! See my previous post. I'm using powerline adaptors (Ethernet over power) for one camera and that is the only camera I have issues with. YMMV, but probably not. Lol
  19. Philip Gonzales

    Camera playback @ 1x speed is very slow and choppy, then super fast, then slow and choppy. Settings issue?

    Is this camera hardwired? The only time I personally have issues with playback is on one of my cameras that I am using a Powerline adaptor for. I'm pretty sure that is the cause for me at least, just need to make time to run an ethernet cable to this camera.
  20. Philip Gonzales

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    I don't run ESXi but maybe the below article is helpful? Or run it in a Linux (preferably) or Windows VM (with nested virtualization if using windows).
  21. Philip Gonzales

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Looks like I am back up an running. Here is what I did to fix my issue. 1. Uninstall CPAI 2. Rebooted 3. Renamed C:\Program Files\CodeProject to C:\Program Files\CodeProject_Old 4. Installed 2.0.6-Beta and now I'm back up and running.
  22. Philip Gonzales

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    I am also having issuing getting CPAI working, when previously it was working great. I guess that's what I get for always wanting to be on the bleeding edge. I've also tried repair reinstalling, rebooting, etc. :( I upgraded to 2.0.7-Beta yesterday and I stopped getting alerts after this. I...
  23. Philip Gonzales

    AI Capture Fails!

    Who's a good boy?
  24. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris Updater- Update of ... failed(32)--make sure it is not in use

    Updating from Blue Iris version: to version I like to be on the bleeding edge, but seems I often time and getting these errors. Anyone know why this happens or what I can do to prevent it? I am updating from within the BlueIris Application itself, if that matters...
  25. Philip Gonzales

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Sounds like you need to join the development team. Let us know once you get this implemented! ;)
  26. Philip Gonzales

    AI Capture Fails!

    Lol wrong company. The AI even put a square around the hidden arrow in the logo. I feel like the AI is trolling me for making this post! :wow:
  27. Philip Gonzales - NEW: Persistent ALERT_DB macro values

    Also Cross-posting my reply from the same thread. Unsure if your issue could be related or not but I was having issues and turns out it was due to not creating the exceptions in Windows Defender...
  28. Philip Gonzales

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    With the help of Ken, I figured out the issue of my links not surviving a DBCompact. Failure to RTFM was the main cause! I did not create the AV exclusions in Windows Defender for the Blue Iris directory and the Blue Iris executable. The issue is specific to not being able to read from the...
  29. Philip Gonzales

    AI Capture Fails!

    Ooof, apparently my pool vacuum is a person! D'oh!