Search results

  1. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Blank cameras in timeline view.

    When I click on the timeline view I get random cameras that show black. There are recordings and alerts, so they are recording and working, just in the view they show black. It is pretty random also as to which ones will be black. I have been able to reproduce this with two other machines at...
  2. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Had an early morning visitor

    Must just be scouting, because everyone was safe this morning.
  3. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Long view, zoom/lense

    So I am working on a project in my small rural town to help secure the town streets in and out. There is only 3 ways in or out of town. I have two covered but need to cover one more but there is no homes or internet closer than mine to accomplish the view. According to google maps its approx...
  4. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Camera system over hay press

    Hey everyone. I have been tasked with installing a camera system over a hay press in a building. The most important areas are over the work stations of the press but they would also like a general view of the entire area. A huge problem I see is going to be the hay dust this machine creates...
  5. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Temperature overlay

    So I have read a few threads about how to make this happen using raspberry pi or some other coding. But I am wondering, is there just a simple ip cam with temp sensor built in that can do this? I have a few remote locations that would be nice to just throw up a cam instead of a...