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  1. S

    Android app update

    Imagine that... bought a v5 key and now it works. Go figure $$$.
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    Android app update

    How hard would it be for the app to just recognize the server(s) in the server list are/is v4 and not update? Maybe just give a popup that says "hey, there's a new version, and if you want to use it, then you need v5. If you want to roll the dice with this current app version and v4 then more...
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    Android app update

    Yeah, looks like they basically screwed everybody who was using v4.
  4. S

    Using DSLR / HD Camcorder via IPTV?

    Has anyone ever used a DSLR or HD Camcorder via IPTV encoder as a security cam? I have two older DSLRs and an assortment of generally unused lenses I was thinking about using to try this out. It looks like an IPTV encoder box that accepts HDMI as the input runs about $150. I've never had the...
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    Night IR / visible light?

    I'm thinking that perhaps the best solution would be to dim my white floodlights just enough to force the night mode to come on, then backfill with an IR floodlight. I was having trouble with my wires (resolved in another thread here... thanks!) -- so now I'm moving on to testing this.
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    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    Thanks everyone! It was the color order of the wires! I put new ends on in the T568B standard and it works flawlessly. Looking forward to learning more from everyone in the forums!!!
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    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    Bingo! I think y'all are right about the wire. I took down one of the cameras and moved it right next to the switch then used a pre-fab patch cord and it worked. I'm going to chop off the ends of my original wire and redo the plug with the 568B standard to see if it will work! Fingers crossed!
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    Night IR / visible light?

    Or could you use color/daytime mode with some white light (existing floodlight), then add some type of intense IR floodlight to fill out any dark areas? Something like this...
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    Night IR / visible light?

    Newbie here -- I just installed 2 non-PTZ 1080p cameras that cover my driveway. In the daytime, they work great. At night in that area (driveway), I have two LED floodlights (2 lights per floodlight = 4 total 100 watt equivalent bulbs). They cover a good bit of the area and are left on 24/7...
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    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    These are the injectors:
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    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    They're some cheap off-brand injectors off Amazon. This was all really just an experiment I did over the holidays because my neighborhood had some break-ins lately. I've only got $100 invested in both cameras, the injectors, and the switch. If I can get the cameras to work with the switch...
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    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    Thanks -- that would be an easy enough fix. I might try using a shorter pre-fab patch cable tomorrow just to test though. The cameras are pretty easy to unmount from where they are located. Then I can bring them close to all the networking gear and use short pre-fab cables.
  13. S

    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    So I switched cables around and nothing seemed to change. I did notice however, that when the cameras were plugged into the router, they connected at 10/100 (orange LED) not gigabit (white LED). When I plugged them into the switch, the LED indicator on the switch only lit briefly, then went...
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    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    And the continuity worked when i tested the cables. Albeit the colors in an order i could easily remember!
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    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    Actually, no. But the colors match and the long cables work without the switch. I suppose i chop off the ends and remake them if that could legitimately be the issue?
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    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    There's one cable from one port on the router to one port on the switch. Then one cable from another port on the switch into the POE injector, then a long cable from the POE injector to the camera. There are two cameras (currently), so there's actually two cables out of two different ports on...
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    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    Yes, PC >> Switch >> Router works as expected. So does CableTuner >> Switch >> Router. I haven't tried moving the cable from the router to the switch to a different port on the switch. It's an unmanaged switch and I don't see any indication of an uplink port or anything like that. Plus it...
  18. S

    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    It's a Netgear GS308 switch. I made the cables, they are Cat 5e and about 100ft from the POE injectors. Using pre-made cable to go from POE injectors to switch/router. The long ones I made are definitely not cross-over. The pre-fab don't appear to be cross-over -- all the individual...
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    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    Yes, they're identical cameras and had the same default IP out of the box, but I changed both to different unique IP addresses so I'd know which one was which... And... they both worked again perfectly when I removed the switch and plugged them both back directly into the router.
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    Cams work directly to router -- not through switch?

    Hi, I picked up two inexpensive IP cameras to try out last week. They each have a POE injector, and I tested both of them connected to my router and both worked fine (simultaneously). I don't have enough ports on my router to dedicate a port to each camera (and I may add more cameras in the...