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  1. D

    Mini-Review - EmpireTech LPR413-Z3

    Will try to play with external illuminator and statically mounted plate tonight.
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    Mini-Review - EmpireTech LPR413-Z3

    Oh yeah sorry I got it backwards, meant to say use 850nm instead of built in 740nm
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    Mini-Review - EmpireTech LPR413-Z3

    Just saw one in person and this red IR is way to bright. Is it possible to use external IR illuminator? What i mean, does it need to be pointed from the same angle as camera or can be mounted someplace else? Did anyone looked in to re-soldering 720 nm led in to the camera itself?
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    Mini-Review - EmpireTech LPR413-Z3

    Yea my ITC237 has these options to pick from (not web5 interface) Was hoping lpr413 has similar setup. Or at least License plate is in the file name. Can not use ITC237 because of the size constraints. So got IPC-B74IR-Z4-AI from Andy. But it looks like the file name tags are limited and...
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    Loryta IPC-HFW7442H-Z4-X first impression

    Figured out 2 lane issue. But looks like there is no way to include plate number as part of the name when snapshot is saved to ftp like ITC237 can @EMPIRETECANDY Is it possible to save license plate number as part of file name ?
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    Mini-Review - EmpireTech LPR413-Z3

    Thanks. Testing IPC-B74IR-Z4-AI right now, ANPR captures are good and License plate # is embedded in OSD but can not put it in the file name. Was trying to make a central database that collects data from 2 cameras
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    Mini-Review - EmpireTech LPR413-Z3

    @wittaj Hey, do you by any chance know if there is an option to include License plate number when camera uploads snapshot to FTP? ( I know the full size ITC cam does ITC237)
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    Loryta IPC-HFW7442H-Z4-X first impression

    So did you ever figure out how to set it up to detect plates in both directions ?
  9. D

    Review-EmpireTech IPC-T5442TM-AS-LED S2, 2.8mm 4mp.

    Does s2 version takes v3 firmware(NEW GUI) ?
  10. D

    Review: IPC-LPR237B-IR / Equivalent of Dahua ITC237-PW6M-IRLZF1050-B - ANPR, Traffic & Access Control Camera

    Did hard reset few times, tried different cable (took can down to work on it) So far no change.
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    Review: IPC-LPR237B-IR / Equivalent of Dahua ITC237-PW6M-IRLZF1050-B - ANPR, Traffic & Access Control Camera

    So after 2.5 years of working, camera now just has a black screen output with a date in the corner. Nothing was changed it just stopped working. I tried doing reset, including a button press reset. Still just black screen. @EMPIRETECANDY any ideas what might causing it, Is it economically...
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    Dahua T/B5442 stuck in black and white mode even when it is bright enough

    Not really. I just let it do whatever it wants, when it is bright enough it is switching LED off. Since I use it in color mode at night, it doesn't really affect functionality. But it is annoying
  13. D

    WizMind-S 5442H-S3 cameras availability?

    Sounds like in 2-3 month
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    Just received IPC_5449T1P-ASE-D-3.2mm dual lens from Andy Most Impressed with the prompt service and the camera

    WOW pretty big difference. I have a few T5442T running in color at night (they are LED version but i think sensor is the same), and thought they were pretty good. But D2 is just so much brighter.
  15. D

    Choppy Footage (In Motion) – 6 Empire Tech IPC-T5442T-ZE Mounted on RV

    What is FPS on stationary video? I have few 10 MP cameras running at 8 FPS. And passing cars do look similar to what you have in your stationary video.
  16. D

    Just received IPC_5449T1P-ASE-D-3.2mm dual lens from Andy Most Impressed with the prompt service and the camera

    Can you share a picture of the Night street from T5442T , while forcing it to be in color? Is your D2 with matching sensor sizes (older model had 1/1.8" + 1/2 " sensors ) ?
  17. D

    Choppy Footage (In Motion) – 6 Empire Tech IPC-T5442T-ZE Mounted on RV

    I think there are few possible factors contributing in. I think the codec on the Surveillance cameras are tweaked towards having a static image with a very few changes frame to frame. Dropping from 20 to 15 may actually increase the choppiness Seagate Skyhawk 6TB ST6000VX001 is a mechanical...
  18. D

    Got a serial gum spitter any advice?

    Thank you all for the advices and sharing personal experiances. Talking is a bit hard since English is my 2nd language. I think I will either talk to him (maybe write a letter just generally mentioning someone throwing gum on my driveway) or talk to our Neighborhood Watch lady who actually...
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    Got a serial gum spitter any advice?

    Yes Ii know exactly who he is. My concern, I don't want to escalate the issue t0o much, so trying to figure less direct or confrontational approach . @Timokreon Adult about 70-80 years old
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    Got a serial gum spitter any advice?

    Yea Cameras are pretty visible, actually I though he might be retaliating against my cameras this way, but he does have one installed on his garage too so..... I will walking around to check other peoples driveways. I know my direct neighbor has 2 spits on his.
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    Got a serial gum spitter any advice?

    So I been finding gum balls on my driveway, i counted 20 of different freshness. Thanks to @EMPIRETECANDY cams was able to narrow it down to a neighbor 2 houses down the street. I don't know if it is hate towards us or he just randomly decides to spit here. I want him to stop, but don't want to...
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    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Darn it, 3rd time trying and 0 time winning cam. Did win $15 last time though, so can't complain :) Thank you Andy for all the good work you do!
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    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Can same person win 2 prises if they are on different numbers?
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    DS-2CD2686G2-IZS - 8MP varifocal - Bad 'Ghosting' video artefact

    My environment is 65% Dahaua, 30% Hikvision, and 5 % some other brands, I do like the web interface and menus on Dahua more compared to Hikvision.
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    DS-2CD2686G2-IZS - 8MP varifocal - Bad 'Ghosting' video artefact

    Yea looking at other videos from you, the flicker does not look light-related. The glitches are so frustrating, and hard to debug! Dealing with Dahua cam right now that occasionally when encountering a moving person will cause a digital pixelated trail. Tried pretty much every setting, and...
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    DS-2CD2686G2-IZS - 8MP varifocal - Bad 'Ghosting' video artefact

    Exposure 1/25 is a bit slow and will cause blur on moving objects. The freezing issue is very strange like at 16 secmark the whole frame is frozen. WHat are you using to capture and record the video ? Also what is the light source, cheap led lights are notorious for flickering on video...
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    EmpireTech 7 Years Anniversay Promotion Plan

    100 cams for lottery, WOW that is huge
  28. D

    Any advice on access control system?

    I did come across ProDataKey but they are one of those companies who hide the prices very well. I was able to estimate hardware cost but subscription cost is still a mystery.
  29. D

    Any advice on access control system?

    Yea it is a bit more complex than one door. it is 3 geographically spread locations, each location having 2-3 doors and a group of 20ish users who have different access levels at different times of the day to different locations and doors within locations. Managing everything under one system...
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    Any advice on access control system?

    Hmmm looks like Axis a1001 is actually 2 door controller so making it about $350 per door while ZTK 4 door controller is 900 or 225 per door, but since it is 1 controller it will require bunch of wires going back and forth (card reader, door sensor, lock/unlock signal wires ) :idk: PS: the...