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  1. Mike West

    Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more!

    Hopefully the program can easily be adjusted to use our actual personal API keys to access our station data, that should work.
  2. Mike West

    FTP to multiple servers

    Hello, is it possible for BI to send images from one camera to several FTP sites? Right now to send images to my web host and WUnderground via FTP, I have to clone each camera that does this, which adds overhead (3 physical cameras, 6 total in BI). Is there a way that I am missing, or is...
  3. Mike West

    Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more!

    Thanks, I understand the everything option, I was actually talking about selecting several, but not all, sensors to be combined in 1 file.
  4. Mike West

    Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more!

    Mike, thanks for the great functionality you created with BIT, I have been looking for this for awhile. No problems installing or configuring everything, you can see the overlays in action on my weather site, Observatory West Weather. My only request would be a way to create a text file with...