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  1. M

    Weird problem

    Well, realistically, they don't have access to anything, because to get to the camera, they first have to get into my network, which is not straightforward. I have no reason to believe that I have been hacked. I have a problem accessing my camera via my network, but when I access it directly...
  2. M

    Weird problem

    Hi, Thanks, but s long as no one actually f***s up my camera, I don't care who watches pictures of the drive to my mountain cottage :-)
  3. M

    Weird problem

    Chrome not IE11 or Edge - Not showing the image in one browser I can understand but asking for a software download? The IP address and all other parameters were the same (that's why I say hacking unlikely - also I don't have one of the affected routers). I don't have the firmware version I am no...
  4. M

    Weird problem

    Hi, Thanks for the input. I have seen this news but I don't believe it affects me. All the parameters in SADP are as I set them, no reset to default. I work in IT security and am reasonably confident I have not been hacked.
  5. M

    Weird problem

    I have a Hikvision DS-2CD2232-I5 web camera. It has been working fine for a long time, but suddenly today we could not get live view from any PC or mobile, and we could not access it via our Synology NAS either. The stupid thing is, I can log into the camera directly via it's IP address and I...