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  1. T

    Access 10.x.x.x subnet from 192.x.x.x

    I didn't read every word in this post, so sorry if this repeats what others have said. Oh and I'm kinda late to the discussion, but maybe this info will help someone else. Sounds you have a double-NAT issue. Basically your router isn't aware of the subnet that your NVR is hosting (10.x.x.x)...
  2. T

    Buying Concerns?

    I'm new to the form, so perhaps this is a silly question (or is asked a lot). Forgive me if it is. A saw some fair prices for the Hikcision DS-2CD2385FWD-I [Link] on Bay [Link] and AliExpress [Link]. But from all the posts I've seen throughout this forum, I feel like everything I look at is...
  3. T

    Blueiris no live view when service is running?

    I had a very similar issue and ended up on this old thread. I figured I'd add my 2-cents to the conversation on what worked for me, in case someone else stumbles upon this thread (like I did). The only difference with my issues was that everything worked great (for around a year). Then one...