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  1. H

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    8 x 4k streams is a hardware limit for the UDM pro/se. NVR Pro limit is 24 x 4k streams.
  2. H

    2024 EmpireTech Thanksgiving Day Sales& Black Friday &Christmas Sales- Winter Sales

    Thank you Andy for the lottery and congrats to the winners!!
  3. H

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Yes I've tested both a local build and within a docker container and working for me. My HA is HAOS running on a VM within proxmox. I do have this in my existing HA config as I run Nginx as a HA Add-on for external access which may be why I had a different issue. configuration.yaml: http...
  4. H

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Working for me now as an Iframe in HA - have submitted a PR
  5. H

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I've just pulled the latest image and tested an iframe in HA. Whitelisted IP: I think it was something to do with the normalisation of the ip4 addresses. Should be fixed in my latest commit - just testing now. These are the logs: Checking IP: All received headers...
  6. H

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    It was me playing with a fork of your repo. Please note for anyone looking that I have no experience with nextJS so it's essentially heavy AI use within cursor and learning on the fly, along with git.. I use HA and tried using an iframe and got the same issues as posted above. Iframes are a...
  7. H

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I use hass_ingress which is a custom component for home assistant that takes care of the auth within HA. Works for blue iris along with other services. On the ALPR Dashboard side, it would need to support basic auth or api key in the header for example. No improvements in intrinsic security but...
  8. H

    How to Fix Drive Issue: Overallocated

    I've had this a few times. I've deleted/regenerated the db in blue iris after a restart. Drive has come back each time... Haven't seen it since updating BI to latest stable.
  9. H

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Makes complete sense! Added them and all working now. thank you
  10. H

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Yes I've pulled the latest schema and updated my docker-compose. Have just tried in a fresh directory to see if there was some docker caching going on but I still get the same error as above. It does create the volumes in docker: root@alprdb:~/alprdb2# docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME...
  11. H

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    just pulled the new update and when running docker compose I am getting the following errors: [+] Running 2/3 ✔ Network alprdb_default Created 0.1s ✔ Container alprdb-db-1 Started...
  12. H

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    looks amazing! Attempting to get this running in a Debian container in Proxmox but get the following: image's platform (linux/arm64/v8) does not match the detected host platform (linux/amd64/v3) and no specific platform was req EDIT: as above!
  13. H

    2024 EmpireTech Autumn Sale Plan

    Thank you Andy for running the sale and Lottery, and congrats to the winners!!
  14. H

    More Reolink recommendations from a professional youtuber.

    No further tests needed. Court dismissed!
  15. H

    Review- EmpireTech IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3 4mp Varifocal Turret

    +1 here for pulsing on the 5442 S3's. Upping the bitrate to 10240 helped almost eliminate it but it's still there. Using CBR on V3.100.0000000.6.R.
  16. H

    Hi from England (Leeds)

  17. H

    Site ads making site unusable on mobile Safari

    Adverts seem to have increased over the past few days. It has completely broken the 'New Posts' thread view for me. Mac / Safari:
  18. H

    How to view multiple IP camera streams in a single custom HTML page?

    Not a browser solution, but a simple option would be to use VLC.
  19. H

    Blue Iris on Homekit

    Unsure of the specifics within Hoobs as I have never used it. As you've said, UI3 as an interface cannot be a RTSP stream, but you can stream both individual cams and groups. Page 260 of the BI Manual. Streaming a group will not have the same interactivity like you get with UI3, whereby...
  20. H

    Blue Iris on Homekit

    You can do this using Home Assistant their HomeKit bridge integration. You can then pass almost any home assistant device/entity to HomeKit. Might be a full-fat approach to just passing BI to HomeKit, but Home Assistant is fun to play with...
  21. H

    High CPU usage running 4 cameras

    Technically you can upgrade UI3 to the latest version separately from BI however, as you are running a 2021 version of BI, you may run into compatibility issues. GitHub - bp2008/ui3: A powerful, modern HTML5 web interface for Blue Iris. My recommendation would be to update to the latest stable...
  22. H

    High CPU usage running 4 cameras

    5% is better than I expected so looks like you are good to go. Teamviewer is a cpu hog and I do not use it. Try NoMachine for remote access. Very lightweight (usually less than 1% CPU) and I've never had an issue with it. I think those UI3 stats were introduced in a relatively recent update...
  23. H

    High CPU usage running 4 cameras

    Looks like you are on the right track! Note that my ~10% usage is when no cam is detecting any motion and if all cams are triggered and CPAI is analysing it could jump to 100%. I'm running as a service with no console on the BI server. Windows 10 UI3 version 266, Blue Iris version:
  24. H

    High CPU usage running 4 cameras

    A 6500 system with a few cams is more than capable and if following the various guides on optimisation/sub-streams, I reckon you should be targeting circa 10% cpu usage. I've got a 6500 system running with double the amount of cams, all recording 24/7 + CPAI triggers and hums along at 12% ish...
  25. H

    Sending an On Alert email only when my house is unoccupied.

    I don't know of any built-in mqtt control over profiles but it can be done with a http request: http://blueirisip/admin?profile=1&lock=1&user=USER&pw=PASSWORD lock = 1 will hold the profile until you change it again.
  26. H

    Blue Iris UI3

    Update: No errors since installing UI3-264. Will keep monitoring - Thank you!
  27. H

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Got this to work from Chris Maunders reply on CPAI discussions. In my case I was attempting to MESH with a docker container on my server. You have to specify the docker host machine name in the appsettings.json. Reposting his instructions here:
  28. H

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Does anyone know how to manually set the localhost in 2.4.6? (for meshing)
  29. H

    Cloned cameras

    Group clone clips is for filtering clips and so won't work if no recording is set. Though I do agree that it would be a great feature/idea where an alert on a cloned cam could flag the position in the DB for the main cam or 'clone master'. Would only work correctly if you are recording 24/7 I...
  30. H

    Use BI by itself or pair it with HA / Pushover

    If you are simply wanting convenient alerts from your cams / blue iris, I see no need to use pushover / home assistant. I would definitely get better access set up rather than port forwarding. VPN is one option, setting up a reverse proxy is another (such as nginx or BP2008's own flavour...