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  1. cscoppa

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    Thanks!!! ... I think I got it now .... at first it was doing double detection, the custom model AND the "stock" one, had to uncheck "Default object detection" to fix that ... looks pretty good now: EDIT: Bonus is the 1st detection after a long delay seems to be at a similar speed now, before...
  2. cscoppa

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    Alright, circling back... I played musical chairs with the GPUs in the house. I swapped out the GT770 which didn't support a high enough version of CUDA with a GTX1080, definitely a big improvement. The one thing I haven't messed with yet is custom models, not sure that's needed with these...
  3. cscoppa

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    I remember in the early days (I think Deepstack) doing everything in Windows and getting the CUDA environment correct was challenging to say the least. My other concern is even if I drop the times down 40-50 ms, it's probably going to increase the power consumption quite a bit, and that will...
  4. cscoppa

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    Opinion wanted: I'm currently running BI in a VM on my i7-12700 (12th gen) Unraid server. Right now I have CPAI in a Docker, it's using CPU only. Currently the machine has the igpu exposed to the Docker containers (Plex HW transcoding) and I have an OLD GT730 passed through to the VM, which...
  5. cscoppa

    Blue Iris OS Options

    I run BI in a VM under Unraid ... it can emulated the TPM required for Win11, or you can do the workaround, when I've done it in the past, I still got security updates.
  6. cscoppa

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Between what you can do in Blue Iris and the settings of CodeProject's AI server, you can pretty much do everything and this isn't needed. Some good info: Blue Iris Webcam Software - CodeProject.AI Server v2.5.0
  7. cscoppa

    5.6.0 - August 16, 2022

    This worked for me. Before the repair, if I clicked on the "Open All Clips" button in UI3, it would only show me really old stuff I had set the protect flag on.
  8. cscoppa

    5.4.6 - May 17, 2021

    Auto upgrade failed for me on this one. Luckily I had taken a fresh "export settings" right before as I do for all the major updates. Had to blow out the usual 2 spots in the registry, get it fired up, re-install the service and then re-import settings. All good now. EDIT: Including the 2...
  9. cscoppa New parameters in JSON camlist command

    That would be cool for the BI integration I use in Home Assistant, I could see them adding additional sensors for things like current bit rates.
  10. cscoppa

    5.4.3 - April 9, 2021 - DeepStack “mode” setting.

    Same here, can't update directly or "download only" ... it's borked.
  11. cscoppa

    5.4.3 - April 9, 2021 - DeepStack “mode” setting.

    Despite my issues with I was able to update to without incident.
  12. cscoppa

    5.4.3 - April 9, 2021 - DeepStack “mode” setting.

    Yeah, I do, I'm guessing it's that or some weird combination of hardware acceleration settings.
  13. cscoppa

    5.4.3 - April 9, 2021 - DeepStack “mode” setting. hosed my install, be careful upgrading to it. Service kept starting and stopping rapidly. Trying to recover now... EDIT: Recovered by blowing out both registry keys, reinstalling BI, downgrading back to and importing a reg backup.
  14. cscoppa

    5.4.3 - April 9, 2021 - DeepStack “mode” setting.

    Yeah, that worked. Odd that that was necessary with this particular version.
  15. cscoppa

    5.4.3 - April 9, 2021 - DeepStack “mode” setting. update failing:
  16. cscoppa

    5.4.3 - April 9, 2021 - DeepStack “mode” setting.

    Ah ok, that makes sense. It sounded like you could filter the alerts list by object. (after the fact)
  17. cscoppa

    5.4.3 - April 9, 2021 - DeepStack “mode” setting.

    How do you filter by object in UI3? I can't seem to find it.
  18. cscoppa

    5.4.1 - April 3, 2021 - Support for DeepStack facial recognition

    If the static cars are in the same place all the time, you can mask them out... that might work.
  19. cscoppa

    5.4.1 - April 3, 2021 - Support for DeepStack facial recognition

    In my driveway I just do "persons" ... usually one is required to make the car move. ;) Otherwise I get exactly what you described.
  20. cscoppa

    5.4.1 - April 3, 2021 - Support for DeepStack facial recognition

    It only records the clip if it passes the AI detection with an object in your list. EDIT: It's missing right now because he pulled the versions that had it.
  21. cscoppa

    5.4.1 - April 3, 2021 - Support for DeepStack facial recognition

    It seemed to work during the short period I ran it. I just wish we had a way to review the images easily showing detected objects (in UI3 ideally) like you can with AI Tool. It helps with fine tuning your settings. Best I came up with is "burning in" the detections and manually browsing the...
  22. cscoppa

    5.4.1 - April 3, 2021 - Support for DeepStack facial recognition

    Yeah, looks like Ken pulled and off
  23. cscoppa

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    I agree about the Reolinks, I have 4 RLC410W's (2 were free, long story) and I also recently got an Amcrest with adjustable keyframe intervals. The best you can do with them is NOT use substreams, because those are far worse with the .25 ratio compared to the .5 of the main stream. I...
  24. cscoppa

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    I haven't tried it yet myself, but someone here said you can clone the camera, and in the Alert Actions, put the HTTP URLs in you would use in AI Tools to trigger recording.
  25. cscoppa

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    GPU version from your link has been working for me for a few days now with BI. (Was using AI Tools before)
  26. cscoppa

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    I have that checked, but I don't see the box like my screenshot above unless I delete the video clip first, THEN go to that alert. Since it doesn't have the video it will show me that burned in alert image instead.
  27. cscoppa

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    I get some funny ones too. We have a lot of Deer around here, Deepstack always flags them as "dog". ;) Also, this is me and my dog "bag of soil"
  28. cscoppa

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    Yeah, this is exactly how I had it setup before with AI Tools, with cloned cameras. I still went full in with BI's built-in support simply because it eliminates so much of the extra clutter, and not having to worry about logging into the machine to make sure AI Tools is running after a reboot...
  29. cscoppa

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    Changed my setup last night to go purely with BI only. Everything is working great. The only capability that's missing compared to running AI tool that I can think of is only recording a clip when the AI has detected a selected object. Right now you'll still record a ton of clips if an a-hole...
  30. cscoppa (2/10/2021) issue with Hardware acceleration...

    Same here, Intel + VPP works fine in 5.3.8 series, but not in 5.3.9. Oddly enough Intel Beta does work, which I don't remember it working before. Running latest